5 results for: Dark Box
The Metagame Review for LAIC 2019, Part 2 “No one seems to be caring much about Blacephalon GX. I think most players will not use Tapu Fini UNM because of Cosmic Eclipse, which brought so many new cards that caught everyone’s attention, and it will deviate away from being the strong deck that has been since its release. We have to keep in mind that Blacephalon GX made Top 8 in the last LAIC and the finals in Worlds 2019. However, I do think Blacephalon GX might have issues dealing with some archetypes that are shaping up the current metagame, namely ADP, Malamar/Giratina, and GardEon (with Fairy Charm…
Lists, Pros, and Cons for 10 Top Decks this Weekend (São Paulo, AC, and Cologne) “Ability ReshiZard Mew Box Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel LOT PikaRom GardEon Pidgeotto Control Malamar/Spell Tag QuagNag Green’s ReshiZard Dark Box As crazy as it may sound, TAG TEAMs actually don’t have high enough HP to survive the monster attacks of the current metagame. Before Worlds 2019, it was common to see Super Scoop Up, Mixed Herbs, and Great Potion in decks to heal damage, but nowadays these cards have lost a lot of their relevance. Another insane aspect of the deck is that we have non-GX Pokémon that can easily Knock Out TAG TEAMs on the same turn they are benched. Each one…
Five Final Tips, GG Malamar’s Matchups, and An Attempt at Stabilizing Dark Box “1. Test everything. In your mind you may have deemed that Malamar is bad after listening to what I have to say, or you’ve decided that Blacephalon-GX cannot be a real deck because Tapu Fini UNM autowins the matchup, but you have to actually play out those matchups to understand the game plans from both sides of the table. I try to test every Tier 1 and Tier 2 deck to understand how they function and what their win conditions are at separate points of the game. Doing this will help you play around certain cards and anticipate plays your…
My Favorite Decklists for Worlds, Including ReshiZard, PikaRom (w/ + w/o Jirachi), Dark Box, Blacephalon, Malamar, and Lost March “Since my previous article, I ended up changing a few cards in the list, which was way more experimental than now, since I still had some pre-rotation concepts in mind, such as using Turtonator DRM to OHKO any Pokémon and Oranguru UPR to get Custom Catchers back, as well as having a chance of beating Shedinja. However, I soon realized the deck needed more consistency and that maybe its true strength lay in Power Plant and healing cards. I felt like the deck wouldn’t run well for two or three turns if I didn’t start the game with Green’s Exploration.…
Dragonite/Salazzle and Dark Box (Sharpedo) for UPR-on/Worlds/DC Open “This is a deck that I believe has potential to break open the meta. The ability to deal 270 damage relatively easily is something that should not be overlooked. What the deck seemed to lack was a good way to draw cards, and I believe that I solved that with the inclusion of Salazzle UNB. This deck needs to find a Welder or a Professor Elm’s Lecture every turn, and Dragonite TEU helps to do that. Unfortunately it cannot attack, but Fast Call is more than enough to warrant the spot it takes. Salandit DRM is the optimal choice here…
Intense hunger drives it to extremes of violence, and the electricity in its cheek sacs has converted into a Dark-type energy. (Morpeko)