7 results for: Empoleon
A Pokémon Journey with Raichu Post Roaring Skies “We overslept! We have to hurry to Professor Oak’s place to get our first Pokémon. It looks like Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander cards are already gone, so we get a Pikachu! With a Pokémon by our side and the world in the palm of our hand, it’s finally time to set out. Unlike Ash Ketchum, we understand that to win in this world, power is the key. In the immortal words of Lt. Surge, “If you want to become a Pokémon Master, you should make your Pokémon evolve as soon as you catch it.” Time to use this Thunder Stone…
Recapping the 2007-2008 Season “After the rotation in 2007, the format was wiped of many of its best decks and provided with its second legal Diamond & Pearl series set, Mysterious Treasures. While Lucario DP saw some play at both Nationals and Worlds before the new season began, Blissey MT was a card that stood out at this time because of its extremely high HP and unlimited damage cap. I personally had a lot of success running little besides a 4-4 Blissey line in my deck throughout Autumn Battle Roads. Blissey was a tank. Not long after Blissey had seemingly taken over, the format was tossed on its head…
Patching Predictions for the BCR-on Format “Empoleon/Miltank Pyroar TDK Virizion/Dragonite Plasma/Lugia Big Basics/Garbodor Conclusion I agree with Andrew that between the loss of Tropical Beach and the sure popularity of Seismitoad, Stage 2 decks will take a big hit. However, I’m not as convinced as he is that they are “unplayable” because of these things rather shoved into the lower ends of tier 1 and the higher ends of tier 2. Empoleon is a deck that will see less play in a BCR-on format than it would have in a PLS-on format. Being a Water type, it counters Landorus-EX well and built-in draw power puts it…
Early 2014-2015 Standard Format Deck Discussion “Lessons Learned from Nationals Addressing Extended Format Concerns Donphan/Trevenant Speed Plasma Empoleon/Miltank Pyroar Revisiting Dragonite Revisiting Lucario/Mewtwo Conclusion 1. SixPrizes is a really great place for information. I don’t know if you guys all caught this or not, but the deck that won US Nationals was published on SixPrizes just a few weeks before the tournament. Stephen Lewis wrote an article about the evolution of Big Basics and the deck was originally piloted to an 11th place finish at the UK National Championships by Luke Kirkham. 2. Pyroar is really good… or is it? By far the biggest surprise of the tournament…
The Top Five Stage 2 Decks of NXD–FLF “When I first heard of a deck featuring Butterfree and Miltank I was confused to say the least. It wasn’t until I read Caterpie and Metapod that I realized why the deck was viable. Writing the list was even more fun. I love when I can throw four of each Ball into a deck and then supplement my Supporter line with Bicycles because of how many non-Supporters are in the list already. A high Ball count generally means a low hand count—keep that in mind. Speed, Speed, and Speed This deck’s biggest asset is its quickness—it’s the only reason to…
As it eats the seeds stored up in its pocket-like pouches, this Pokémon is not just satisfying its constant hunger. It’s also generating electricity. (Morpeko)
This hungry Pokémon swallows Arrokuda whole. Occasionally, it makes a mistake and tries to swallow a Pokémon other than its preferred prey. (Cramorant)