4 results for: Exeggutor
Alolan Exeggutor, Yveltal BREAK, and Lucario-GX/Omastar on Display for Daytona “The above list was piloted to a 28th place finish at the Toronto Regional Championships by my good pal Franklin Percic. When I first read that Alolan Exeggutor months back, I immediately thought it had potential in Expanded, and was beyond hyped to see Frank find success with the deck. The goal of the deck is to get three of your Exeggcute PLF into the discard pile with one Alolan Exeggutor in play and a Double Dragon Energy attached. Pulling the Exeggcutes into your hand with their Propagation Abilities allows you to then discard all three for a whopping 180…
Tyranitar/Hoopa, Fossil Frenzy, and Alolan Exeggutor for Collinsville “2 Tyranitar TEU: 170 HP, single Prize, and can do 230 damage with one attack! What’s not to love about the new Tyranitar? Spinning Tail does 30 damage to all of your opponent’s Pokemon, which can allow you to clear your opponent’s board of any low-HP Pokemon hanging around. The real attraction here is Bite Off, which does 130 base damage but adds a whopping 100 damage if your opponent’s Active Pokemon is a GX or EX, which KOs most Pokemon. Tyranitar-GX plays well into the spread strategy, hits for solid damage while having 250 HP, and Lost Out is…
High-Risk, High-Reward Plays for Regionals & Interview with the ECC Winner “1. Congrats again on your win! First, would you mind saying a bit about your Pokémon career and yourself in general? Thank you! My name is Niklas Lehnert-Rappel, I have been playing the Pokémon TCG for about 3 years now. I got my invite for Worlds last year just by playing 9 tournaments over the course of the season. I got my invite this year by placing 2nd and twice 4th at Regionals. Besides winning the ECC this year I won 2 Regionals and many Cities, but the ECC is my first big win at a major tournament. Besides playing…
A Brief US Nationals Recap, the Player vs. Judge Perspective, and a Little Something to Count On Come Worlds or Next Season “Blast from the Past: “Scrambled Eggs” A Brief US Nationals Recap The Player vs. Judge Perspective On Card Counts Zero Copies of a Card One Copy of a Card Two Copies of a Card Three Copies of a Card Four Copies of a Card Remember the Context! Conclusion Our “Blast from the Past” today will feature one of my all-time favorite cards: Electrode ex! In terms of balance, I think Electrode ex was one of the best cards ever created. Its Poke-Power was unbelievably fair, since it was unthinkably powerful but at the cost of two Prize cards. Its attack was…
It stands in grasslands, watching the sun’s descent from zenith to horizon. This Pokémon has a talent for delivering dynamic kicks. (Stonjourner)