9 results for: Flygon
An Introduction to Flygon/Torterra (aka Flyterra), the Missing Link of the 2010 DP–UL Format “Some Modified formats were better than others, and some of those formats have been more fondly remembered than the rest. What makes one format better than another is a topic for a different day, but I believe there is no denying that it is the case that some formats are just better and more fun to play. The allure of what made those formats so great has led to a growing movement within the Pokemon community to “go back in time” to play and revisit these formats. One of the most revered Modified formats of all time was DP–UL, which…
An Introduction to 2007 R-Gon (Flygon HP with Stuff) “4 Holon’s Castform Castform was the glue that held this deck together. As I mentioned before, not only did it provide a good attack for setting up, but it also gave you a way to power up your attackers without having to play an array of basic Energy types. This card was so powerful that many decks, such as Lucario DP variants, can attribute part of their success merely to being capable of knocking out an opposing Castform before its power could be fully utilized. Also, as an aside, note that Holon’s Castform is not a card that can be…
A Comprehensive History of Shutdown Strategies “Wizards Era Sneasel/Slowking EX Era Medicham Mewtric Mynx Diamond & Pearl Era Gardevoir/Gallade Glisctomb Sablelock Black & White Era The Truth Chandelure/Vileplume Gothitelle/Accelgor XY Era Flygon/Accelgor Conclusion Format: BS-N3 As someone who joined Pokémon Organized Play and thus the competitive scene after Nintendo took over, I don’t trust myself to give enough information about this time period and know enough about each deck to write at length about them. That being said, there’s no way I could leave out the most infamous lock deck that we’ve seen in the game: Sneasel/Slowking. This deck was so dominant that both Sneasel and Slowking became banned…
The Uncertainty of the Post-Flashfire Metagame and a Look Back at Plox and Sablelock “But first, I want to give you guys a look at something else I have been working on. Players love taking a break from the current format. Outside of tournament games, some of my favorite things to do include: playing The Resistance (a great strategic role-playing game, similar to internet Mafia or Werewolf), throwing a Frisbee around outside the venue, and playing games of Pokemon with out-of-format decks. Constructing and playing decks of old is a craze that is becoming increasingly more popular as more resources to build those decks are resurfacing in the community. Being able to relive old…
The Top Five Stage 2 Decks of NXD–FLF “When I first heard of a deck featuring Butterfree and Miltank I was confused to say the least. It wasn’t until I read Caterpie and Metapod that I realized why the deck was viable. Writing the list was even more fun. I love when I can throw four of each Ball into a deck and then supplement my Supporter line with Bicycles because of how many non-Supporters are in the list already. A high Ball count generally means a low hand count—keep that in mind. Speed, Speed, and Speed This deck’s biggest asset is its quickness—it’s the only reason to…
As it eats the seeds stored up in its pocket-like pouches, this Pokémon is not just satisfying its constant hunger. It’s also generating electricity. (Morpeko)
Its restlessness has it constantly running around. If it sees another Pokémon, it will purposely run into them in order to start a fight. (Galarian Zigzagoon)