11 results for: GardEon

Closing It Out

My Top 5 Plays for São Paulo Regionals, the Last Major Event of UPR–CEC

The Sylver Bullet

Closing the Book on RoxieChomp in Standard, and GardEon for Dallas

Turbo Mode Engaged

A Thorough Top 32 LAIC Recap w/ Mew Box and Just-Maybe GardEon for Daytona Beach

The Space-Time Conundrum

Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX (ADP) and GardEon for LAIC

What to Expect

The Metagame Review for LAIC 2019, Part 1
It ate a sour apple, and that induced its evolution. In its cheeks, it stores an acid capable of causing chemical burns. (Flapple)

Running the Tiers

Lists, Pros, and Cons for 10 Top Decks this Weekend (São Paulo, AC, and Cologne)


On Countering Ability ReshiZard, Another Reset Stamp PikaRom, and GardEon v. ReshiZard

Fairy Fairly Good

Sheffield’s Results, On Robin’s T8 Ability ReshiZard, GardEon Guesses, and My Mew Box List for Atlantic City/Köln

Lucky Charms

ReshiZard (My Top Meta Pick) and Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX (An Off-the-Wall Pick) for Worlds/DC Open

Dousing the Flames

On the Sets This Year, Countering ReshiZard, Kyurem/Quagsire, and Omastar/TAG TEAMs for Madison Regionals
Thought to be the oldest form of _________, it moves in zigzags and wreaks havoc upon its surroundings. (Galarian Zigzagoon)

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

Fulop’s Fiery Unbroken Bonds Set Review, Exploring SUM–UNB w/ ReshiZard, GardEon, and Baby Blace, and Innovations at EUIC
The faster a ________ can beat out a rhythm with its two sticks, the more respect it wins from its peers. (Thwackey)