7 results for: Greninja

Fields of Blowing Frogs

Standard Greninja and Thoughts for Toronto

The Sound and the Froggy

Alex’s Worlds 2016 Tournament Report, Meta Trends, and Top 4 Round-Up

And Here We Are

Dear Deck Diary, the State of Expanded, Fates Collide Faves, and Meta-Meta Musings

Lonely is the Night March

Random Thoughts on Randomizing, A Greener View from the Dark Side, and the Final Week

Title Fight

Rising Fist (Furious Fists) Preview and 2014–2015 Format Predictions
When it gets wet, its skin changes color, and this Pokémon becomes invisible as if it were camouflaged. (Sobble)

Ebb and Flow

The Uncertainty of the Post-Flashfire Metagame and a Look Back at Plox and Sablelock

It Takes Two to Tango

The Top Five Stage 2 Decks of NXD–FLF
Anger has reignited its atrophied flame sac. This Pokémon spews fire everywhere as it rampages indiscriminately. (Galarian Darmanitan)