5 results for: HL–HP
Winning by Losing with BombTar (i.e., Dark Tyranitar/Electrode ex or Pow Block) in the 2006 HL–HP Format “Sebastian Crema, 8-1 at 2006 World Championships: The deck has a straightforward enough strategy- discard Energy with Magmar to help set up, then blow up Electrode ex to attach the Energy to a Tyranitar and turn on Pow! and Scramble Energy, then play a Rocket’s Admin. to limit the opponent’s ability to deal with the Tyranitar. When you don’t open Magmar, Lunatone is also a pretty good starting Pokemon, as the deck features a suite of 1- and 2-of Trainer cards to Moon Guidance for, although Moon Guidance will generally want to be getting a Holon Transceiver (effectively ‘cheating’ the…
A Study in Gimmickry in the Pokémon TCG “For starters, I think it important to define what a gimmick deck is and what it is not. Interestingly enough, the definition for “gimmick” embodies the idea sufficiently: Gimmick: a method or trick that is used to get people’s attention or to sell something.
1 a : a mechanical device for secretly and dishonestly controlling gambling apparatus
1 b : an ingenious or novel mechanical device : gadget
2 a : an important feature that is not immediately apparent : catch
2 b : an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle
2 c : a…
Looking Back at LBS (Lugia ex, Blastoise ex, Steelix ex) “LBS as a deck is pretty simple. You use Blastoise ex’s Poke-Power Energy Rain to power up a variety of attackers who use two or less non-Water Energy in their attack costs with the Holon Pokemon. In this particular deck, the two primary attackers are Lugia ex and Steelix ex. Lugia ex’s Elemental Blast smacked for a whopping 200 damage, taking out even the toughest ex in the format in one shot. Steelix ex was meant for board control, with Mudslide. Mudslide’s 100 damage to even a Benched Pokemon let you pick off Prizes and up-and-coming Pokemon alike. This was…
A Comprehensive History of Shutdown Strategies “Wizards Era Sneasel/Slowking EX Era Medicham Mewtric Mynx Diamond & Pearl Era Gardevoir/Gallade Glisctomb Sablelock Black & White Era The Truth Chandelure/Vileplume Gothitelle/Accelgor XY Era Flygon/Accelgor Conclusion Format: BS-N3 As someone who joined Pokémon Organized Play and thus the competitive scene after Nintendo took over, I don’t trust myself to give enough information about this time period and know enough about each deck to write at length about them. That being said, there’s no way I could leave out the most infamous lock deck that we’ve seen in the game: Sneasel/Slowking. This deck was so dominant that both Sneasel and Slowking became banned…
A Brief US Nationals Recap, the Player vs. Judge Perspective, and a Little Something to Count On Come Worlds or Next Season “Blast from the Past: “Scrambled Eggs” A Brief US Nationals Recap The Player vs. Judge Perspective On Card Counts Zero Copies of a Card One Copy of a Card Two Copies of a Card Three Copies of a Card Four Copies of a Card Remember the Context! Conclusion Our “Blast from the Past” today will feature one of my all-time favorite cards: Electrode ex! In terms of balance, I think Electrode ex was one of the best cards ever created. Its Poke-Power was unbelievably fair, since it was unthinkably powerful but at the cost of two Prize cards. Its attack was…
A warm-up of running around gets fire energy coursing through this Pokémon’s body. Once that happens, it’s ready to fight at full power. (Scorbunny)