3 results for: HS–NVI
The Rise and Glory Days of My Pokémon Career, Including Every Deck I Played During HS-on/2012 and BLW-on/2013 Modified Formats “Emerging Powers was the set released after Worlds 2011, a year famous for its mid-season rotation, Pokemon Reversal flips, and Ross Cawthon’s The Truth deck. Jay Hornung wonderfully documented the pre-EPO HS-on format extensively in his recent article. Let me remind you of some rules at this point in the game: Player who wins the coin flip must go first. Player who goes first has no restrictions. Pokemon Catcher did not require a coin flip. Burn is permanent like Poison, and you flip to see if you take damage. Emerging Powers was a notably bad set in terms of Pokemon—you…
The Beginnings of Eelektrik and the HS-NVI Format “However, Eel decks weren’t without their weaknesses. Alongside Donphan Prime, Terrakion NVI was birthed in the same set. An effective foil to our electric hero, Terrakion NVI provided quick, effective, and at times, blindsiding answers to most of the main attackers that became partners for Eelektrik. Zekrom BLW, Magnezone Prime, and Lanturn Prime, all bit the dust in one hit from Terrakion. One particularly familiar (and fun) deck that could pose a threat to Magnezone was based on Electrode Prime and multiple different attackers like Terrakion. There have been other Electrode cards in the past that could blow up for…
A clay slab with cursed engravings took possession of a ______. The slab is said to be absorbing the ______’s dark power. (Galarian Yamask)