32 results for: interview
Interview with 2014 Houston Regionals Champion Sam Chen “Hello SixPrizes readers! Usually when I write, my articles are focused on the format and strategy. However, today I will be doing something different. I will be interviewing 2014 Houston Regionals Champion, Sam Chen. Sam has been doing well this season and he is currently the #1 ranked player in North America with 270 Championship Points (or 330 if you count his Points from Worlds). I have had the pleasure of being friends with Sam since my first competitive year of playing Pokémon in 2012. We met in the top 4 of New Hampshire States where he defeated me and…
A Triple Tournament Report and Interviews with the Women of Fall Regionals “Things girls like about fall: pumpkin spice lattes, boots, leggings, and oh yeah—Pokemon TCG Regionals. Obviously I’m just kidding around. There is nothing less basic than playing Pokemon competitively and I actually hate pumpkin. I talked to three like-minded women who did well at Regionals about themselves and their views on the Pokemon community. Age: 25 Plays in: Seattle, WA Played for: I began playing competitively towards the tail end of 2012, after moving back home from college, but I first started getting to know people in the community in January of 2011. Accomplishments: Top 8 at Phoenix Regionals was…
Interview with 2014 Philadelphia Regional Champion Ryan Sabelhaus “I had the pleasure of traveling to Philadelphia this past weekend with some great friends. Among those present in our small hatchback was none other than Mr. Ryan Sabelhaus. Ever since last summer when I moved to Greenville, South Carolina, I have become great friends with the Sabelhaus brothers. I have learned more from them about this game than I even knew there was to know. Out of anyone I could have met down here, I could not ask for better friends and mentors. Both of them are perpetually successful in this game, and it has definitely shown with last weekend…
Interview with 2014 Pokémon TCG World Champion Andrew Estrada “Hey everybody, Alex Hill here. I’m delighted to bring you an interview I recently conducted with the 2014 Masters World Champion, Andrew Estrada! Alex: For starters, where are you from and how old are you? Andrew: Ok, I am from Canada and my background is originally of Spanish particularly Guatemalan descent. I am just recently 16, just having turned on February 4th. Alex: What sorts of hobbies do you have outside of Pokemon? Andrew: I have been playing piano and taking ballroom and Latin dancing lessons for about 8 years now. I play soccer whenever I can, with my friends…
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Pyroar’s Popularity, Interview with Brandon Salazar, the Clock, and Last-Chance Regionals “Pyroar Interview with Brandon Salazar The Clock Last-Chance Regionals Grinching The Playmat Problem Conclusion First things first: Pyroar. Michael Pramawat has been a force in the game for as long as I can remember and he proved his mettle again this past weekend. Pram piloted his straight Pyroar list all the way to the finals. His list, posted on the Pokémon website along with the other semifinalists’, can be found below: It’s not difficult to understand why this deck works. Set up Pyroar, eliminate anything that can damage it, and then coast to victory. I won’t elaborate too much on why Pyroar’s a…
It eats snow that piles up on the ground. The more snow it eats, the bigger and more impressive the spikes on its back grow. (Snom)
Florida Ninetales Interview w/ Mike Canaves + Thoughts on Plasma, Escape Rope “Next I’ll go into my choice for Winter Regionals this year. I chose to play Yeti after playing around with the list. The appeal wasn’t in its matchups or in any card in particular, but in that the deck was so solid all around and that it could accommodate all the cards I wanted it to. For example, I knew that Frozen City was an incredibly strong card, as well as Escape Rope. I wanted a deck that could play both effectively and Plasma was the best fit for it. Another really interesting card combo I liked was Kyurem PLF…
Thought to be the oldest form of _________, it moves in zigzags and wreaks havoc upon its surroundings. (Galarian Zigzagoon)
It stands in grasslands, watching the sun’s descent from zenith to horizon. This Pokémon has a talent for delivering dynamic kicks. (Stonjourner)