3 results for: Landorus
A Pokémon Journey with Raichu Post Roaring Skies “We overslept! We have to hurry to Professor Oak’s place to get our first Pokémon. It looks like Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander cards are already gone, so we get a Pikachu! With a Pokémon by our side and the world in the palm of our hand, it’s finally time to set out. Unlike Ash Ketchum, we understand that to win in this world, power is the key. In the immortal words of Lt. Surge, “If you want to become a Pokémon Master, you should make your Pokémon evolve as soon as you catch it.” Time to use this Thunder Stone…
Top 8 2014 US Nationals Report with TricRoar “In the weeks leading up to Nationals, I could never really decide on a deck. The closest I came to settling was with Yveltal/Darkrai/Garbodor; I tested that deck extensively. I, like, many other players, really liked the most hyped deck due to its speed, power, and versatility. You could go “steamroll mode” with Yvetal, “lock mode” with Garbodor, Sableye, and Hammers, “reaction mode” with Darkrai, Keldeo, Druddigon, and Bouffalant, or even a mix of the three during one game. However, I eventually decided against Y-Garb because I definitely did not like the prospect of facing mirrors and Raichu all day. After…
Often found in gardens, this Pokémon has hairs on its body that it uses to assess its surroundings. (Blipbug)