7 results for: Lost March
The Rebel Clash Up-and-Comers, Including Falinks V, Malamar VMAX, and Lost March Rebooted “To start off, we have Falinks V, a Fighting-typed brute reminiscent of Passimian SUM decks from a couple of formats ago. The deck utilizes Falinks V’s Iron Defense Formation Ability to decrease damage done to your Falinks’ by 20 damage. This pairs incredibly well with your main attacker, another Falinks! This single-Prize version does 30 damage for each of your Benched Falinks. With all 4 Vs and a 5th Falinks on board, you’re attacking for 150 with no other buffs and having damage reduced by 80, effectively giving Falinks at least 170 HP. Even better, the deck sets up incredibly…
LAIC/MewMew Rewind, an Aside on Lost March, ADP for Daytona Beach, and Treasures and Traps (LAIC Edition) “Like many of our other writers, I chose to play Mewtwo and Mew-GX at the Latin America International Championships because it simply felt like the best deck for the event. When I tested Arceus & Dialgia & Palkia-GX (colloquially referred to as “ADP” for short) against fellow author Jon Eng’s Mewtwo & Mew-GX the night before the event, the deck felt underwhelming, and I decided to switch last-minute to the list below: Differences from Jon’s list include: -1 Pokegear 3.0 -1 Solgaleo-GX SM104 +2 Reset Stamp I finished a mediocre 3-3-1 drop on the day after an encouraging 3-1 start,…
My Favorite Decklists for Worlds, Including ReshiZard, PikaRom (w/ + w/o Jirachi), Dark Box, Blacephalon, Malamar, and Lost March “Since my previous article, I ended up changing a few cards in the list, which was way more experimental than now, since I still had some pre-rotation concepts in mind, such as using Turtonator DRM to OHKO any Pokémon and Oranguru UPR to get Custom Catchers back, as well as having a chance of beating Shedinja. However, I soon realized the deck needed more consistency and that maybe its true strength lay in Power Plant and healing cards. I felt like the deck wouldn’t run well for two or three turns if I didn’t start the game with Green’s Exploration.…
Updated ZapBeasts, Baby Blowns, and Lost March for Origins and NAIC “Since shortly after the release of Team Up, ZapBeasts has been my number one deck of choice for the Standard format. I used a similar list to the one below to finish in the Top 32 at the EUIC and 2nd at the Panama City Special Event. I think the deck is still incredibly strong and has gained some fantastic new tools from Unbroken Bonds. Spiritomb may just be my favorite new inclusion to ZapBeasts. One of the biggest issue Zapdos decks have is trading knockouts against other non-GX decks that have 120 HP or more. This is because once…
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX/Electric.dec, Lost March (SUM–TEU, Pre-Oceania IC), and Some Commentary on the Recent DQs and Suspensions “First of all, I want the record to show that I don’t think TAG TEAM GX cards are particularly good for the game. I expect that most of these cards will either be too powerful—bordering on oppressive—or they won’t be good enough to see competitive play. Either result is not great and I don’t believe the card type is going to lead to fun, engaging gameplay. I would love to be wrong about this, but I haven’t had too much fun playing with the cards yet and I don’t think there’s enough design space to make these cards interesting. They…
They diligently serve people and Pokémon so they can gather feelings of gratitude. The females are particularly good at babysitting. (Indeedee)
Team Up Notables, the Oceania Meta, Lost March, Psychic Malamar, and Impressions of the New Standard “There are a lot of cards in Team Up, and quite a few of them are pretty good. Pikachu & Zekrom-GX: This is probably the card/deck that is seeing the most hype, and from my experience it has certainly lived up to that hype. The card is incredibly strong, combining high HP, insane Energy acceleration, and a broken GX attack. Add in the Lightning-type support we’ve received in the last two sets, and you get a truly powerful archetype. Celebi & Venusaur-GX: This is what I feel is probably the most interesting TAG TEAM to talk about, because it is played…
Kenny’s Thoughts on a Mix of Current Community Conundrums “Starting from the oldest news and working our way forward, I obviously have to start with the news every competitive player has been waiting months for: The 2019 World Championship CP threshold. As anyone reading this certainly knows by now, the bar is set at 550 Championship Points. While this isn’t the number I would’ve guessed going into the season, I think it’s a sensible one. It presents more of a challenge while managing to stay in the range of what I feel is “reasonable.” Most players who dedicate themselves to playing well, staying disciplined and traveling to events will…
Aided by the soft pads on its feet, it silently raids the food stores of other Pokémon. It survives off its ill-gotten gains. (Nickit)