5 results for: Magcargo

It’s Hip to Be…

SQUARE Eternatus, Centiskorch VMAX, and Slumbering Mill for UPR–DAA

London Calling

Thoughts on Worlds 2021 News, 4th Place Magcargo Mill @ Unofficial Japan Nationals, and 1st Place ADPZ @ Special League Ginza

Eyes Wide Shut

Analyzing the Limitless Q3 Meta and Exploring New Ideas for Q4 (Zacian V/Galarian Perrserker + Torkoal V/Magcargo-GX)

Wow, Look at That ‘S’ Car Go

My Other Standard Go-To, Magcargo-GX (for UPR–SSH Online Tournaments)

The Crowned Card

Sword & Shield Set Rundown, ADP/Zacian V the BDIF, and Concept Lists for Hammertime and Fire Box
Its majestic horns are meant only to impress the opposite gender. They never see use in battle. (Dubwool)