13 results for: mailbag
Friday Flyer #8: A Dearth of Remaining Expanded Puns, Commentary on the Expanded Format, and Mailbag “Hello again everyone! It’s been another exciting week of talking Expanded here on SixPrizes, with a trio of articles looking at some decks in the format. As I alluded in the Tweet on Mike Fouchet’s article yesterday, it’s a format that’s personally starting to feel a bit overwhelming—and if I’m feeling overwhelmed having played the whole time these cards have been legal, I imagine it’s a messier place yet for players newer to the scene. I hope we’ve helped players in spots like that make some progress toward understanding, but it’s admittedly a bit difficult with this much uncertainty. It could…
Friday Flyer #5: The Inaugural Mailbag Edition “Welcome back, everyone! I hope you’re enjoying this way of wrapping up the week—I’ve enjoyed writing them, if nothing else. As always, feel free to drop any feedback my way. I’m going to keep the intro short today, as we’re going to go through the questions submitted to me over the last few days. A few questions weren’t fit for this format—a few were just trolls, too—but I’m going to cover what I can in this space. From a programming perspective, Alex, Isaiah, and Xander will have the last competitive words before Memphis and I’ll probably cover Expanded a touch…
Learning from Loss, Mailbag, and Top Trio for Brazil “A month ago, I was primarily focused with dealing with the sheer amount of hype that Decidueye/Vileplume carried. Now that time has passed and the format has settled somewhat, I have had time to test out the deck in a competitive environment as well as observe counters arise, and see the deck (expectedly) lose some of its popularity. Somewhat controversially, I remained skeptical of the deck right after the Melbourne International, and I believe that my opinion has been somewhat validated by many of the results we have seen. In a lot of ways, the format did shift to counter Decidueye,…
Tips on Card Storage and a New Season Mailbag “Most of you reading this article maintain some sort of collection. Whether it’s just a few Standard staples or a playset of everything since 2004, Pokémon players own some amount of cards and with that comes the need to organize them. The goal of this article is to explain why proper storage and organization is important, and give a few handy tips on how to best store your cards. Firstly, I think organization is incredibly important. I’m someone who tries to organize and structure all aspects of my life to save myself the most time and frustration possible. I find that, for…
T1 Champions, Standard Standards, the Queen Bee, and Tik Tock “It is a good thing that Shiftry NXD has been banned from the format. I had come to the conclusion that a traditional Shiftry variant was not a world-beater, but that it was likely to steal events by simply running extremely hot. Nothing could beat it when it went first and ran well (barring a very optimal opposing start), and when built correctly, it could win against its counters and going second alike. Frankly, despite the odds, it wasn’t something I was terribly excited with taking to Regionals. However, a game I played on TCGO against a Manectric-EX deck made me…
It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle—even a defeat increases its strength a bit. (Rookidee)
Setting the Scene, Dialing Up Donphan, and a Summer Mailbag “This year’s US Nationals were always set to be historic in terms of its format. Had Lysandre’s Trump Card not been the subject of a historic worldwide ban, this year’s US National Championships would’ve been the first to have another large tournament series prior to the event. Never before have Spring Regionals been run in the same format as Nationals, and this year looked to buck the trend. Instead, for the second time in the game’s history (the first being the 2011 early rotation), there will be no organized tournament series in North America prior to Nationals. 2011’s early HS-on…
My Play for US Nationals 2014, Proper Prep, and a Summer Mailbag “Before we get into the list and the discussion, let me point out that this is only my opinion, and I don’t necessarily think everyone should just jam with the deck I’m suggesting (we’ll go deeper into that a bit later). I obviously think the deck is very good, but the format is wide open and I will admit that there are a whole lot of choices, many of which I can’t label as outright incorrect. I’m sure the majority of readers understand how this deck works; it’s been in the format for a while and has had tens of…
The six of them work together as one Pokémon. Teamwork is also their battle strategy, and they constantly change their formation as they fight. (Falinks)
Its nictitating membranes let it pick out foes’ weak points so it can precisely blast them with water that shoots from its fingertips at Mach 3. (Inteleon)