2 results for: Nidoqueen
Players Cup Positivity and a Cluster of Cool Concepts, Including Zacian/Galarian Perrserker, Cryogonal/Absol, Cryogonal/Cradily, Archeops, and Meganium Box “At first glance this deck seems really weird. However, it’s probably the most “meta” deck that I’ll be talking about today. The theory here is that I can 1HKO literally any Pokemon in the game with Zacian V. The deck caps at 340 damage, but in reality you’re probably not ever going to need to hit that. 320 is much more realistic and is conveniently enough to 1HKO Dragapult VMAX. The thing I really like about this deck is that you can play it in so many different ways. I think that it has favorable matchups against every other Zacian…
Checkmating in UPR-on with Naganadel-GX Control, Worlds/DC Open Meta Overview, and a Peek at Meganium/Nidoqueen “As I said before, this deck is a modernized checkmate. Also like Zoroark-GX of the past, the deck does not solely rely on Stinger-GX to win the game. Because it’s forced to play an array of Ultra Beasts, Rainbow Energies are strong in allowing multicolored attackers. Buzzwole FLI, Nihilego LOT, Kartana UNB, and Xurkitree UNM are all strong, adaptable attackers. Worst case, they’re fuel for Ultra Conversion. One thing that this deck has going for it is its strong engine. With 4 Mysterious Treasure, 4 Ultra Space, 4 Pokemon Communication, and 2 Dedenne-GX, this deck will rarely open with…
After it’s eaten its fill, its movements become extremely sluggish. That’s when Cramorant swallows it up. (Arrokuda)