4 results for: Ninetales
Looking at Hydreigon and Tyranitar for Brazil’s Latin American International Championships in Lost Thunder Standard “Unlike a majority of people, I have to worry about LAIC in Brazil before I can even begin to worry about Virginia’s Regionals. This has led me to base my meta prediction more on theory than I would for Virginia, because we have no tournaments outside of Japan to represent the meta. For the sake of time and my sanity, I group Granbull LOT, Alolan Exeggutor, Spread variants, and Buzzwole/Stage 1’s into the category of single-prize attacker decks, because they generally have similar matchups. Going into Brazil, I fully expect to see a plethora of Zoroark-GX, Blacephalon-GX, and single-prize attacker…
Taming the Hype Behind Pyroar “Why the Hype? Pyroar/Archeops Pyroar and Friends Pyroar/Ninetales Conclusion Ahh, Pyroar. Such an interesting card that has rustled so many jimmies despite not even being officially released yet. Some people praise it, some despise it. I’ve even heard about some people potentially thinking about quitting the game because this one card will completely change the meta, eliminating all other viable decks besides Pyroar and Garbodor. Now, I don’t think that it will be this game-changing, but I do believe it will have quite the impact on the metagame depending on what people’s perception of it are at the time of…
Florida Ninetales Interview w/ Mike Canaves + Thoughts on Plasma, Escape Rope “Next I’ll go into my choice for Winter Regionals this year. I chose to play Yeti after playing around with the list. The appeal wasn’t in its matchups or in any card in particular, but in that the deck was so solid all around and that it could accommodate all the cards I wanted it to. For example, I knew that Frozen City was an incredibly strong card, as well as Escape Rope. I wanted a deck that could play both effectively and Plasma was the best fit for it. Another really interesting card combo I liked was Kyurem PLF…
It stands in grasslands, watching the sun’s descent from zenith to horizon. This Pokémon has a talent for delivering dynamic kicks. (Stonjourner)