4 results for: Omastar
An Update on Omastar, Advancing to the Top 64 of the North American Players Cup with Omastar/Inteleon VMAX, and Looking Ahead to Darkness Ablaze “I played Omastar/Stonjourner VMAX in the second of the Limitless Qualifiers, which was the last event before the release of Rebel Clash. I ended up at 5-5 before dropping the event. My losses were 2 Malamar variants, 1 Rillaboom, 1 Blacephalon, and 1 ADPZ. The first three losses were largely unavoidable—I had taken Mallow & Lana out of my list in exchange for Crushing Hammers. Mallow & Lana was a considerable help against many Malamar variants. Rillaboom is an autoloss due to Grass Weakness. The losses to Blacephalon and ADPZ can mostly be chalked up to big deltas in the…
The Untapped Potential of Pokémon Research Lab, Omastar TEU, and Stonjourner VMAX “I placed Top 8 at the 2004 World Championship and Top 4 at the 2008 U.S. National Championship. I have won one Regional Championship (2008), two Gym Challenges (2004 and 2005), and seven State Championships (in most of the years leading up to and including my last full season of playing: 2013). I am also very proud of my smaller tournament wins and high placements at various States, Regionals, and Gym Challenges throughout the years. Since December, I have played and placed in a handful of League Cups and Challenges around Portland. I also played in the Collinsville Regional Championship…
On the Sets This Year, Countering ReshiZard, Kyurem/Quagsire, and Omastar/TAG TEAMs for Madison Regionals “The tyrant emerging from Unbroken Bonds is Reshiram & Charizard-GX, and the results of the first weekend of events show this deck is the real deal. We saw different versions take down both Santa Clara and São Paulo, with SixPrizes’s own Alex Schemanske and Pablo Meza nabbing 2nd and 1st respectively at these events. Interestingly enough, all three Reshizard decks that found themselves in the finals had significant differences in their builds. Kian Amini’s was the most unique with 4 copies of Volcanion UNB, Green’s Exploration, and Custom Catcher. My great pal Kenny Wisdom did a detailed breakdown of Kian’s…
Alolan Exeggutor, Yveltal BREAK, and Lucario-GX/Omastar on Display for Daytona “The above list was piloted to a 28th place finish at the Toronto Regional Championships by my good pal Franklin Percic. When I first read that Alolan Exeggutor months back, I immediately thought it had potential in Expanded, and was beyond hyped to see Frank find success with the deck. The goal of the deck is to get three of your Exeggcute PLF into the discard pile with one Alolan Exeggutor in play and a Double Dragon Energy attached. Pulling the Exeggcutes into your hand with their Propagation Abilities allows you to then discard all three for a whopping 180…
It attacks with rapid beats of its stick. As it strikes with amazing speed, it gets more and more pumped. (Grookey)