66 results for: opinion

Yeah, I Scoop

SixPrizes Goes on Pause; 2020; the State of the Game, the Community, and Content Creation; Thanks; and Where to Find Me

A Skorching Hot Take

Thoughts on the Format as a Whole (Spoiler: It’s Fast) and Centiskorch VMAX/Scoop Up Net

Let Them Mew as They Please

Should ADP Be Banned? and Water Mewtwo & Mew-GX w/ Frosmoth (aka Wet Mew3)

The Competitive Reboot

On the Auspicious Arrival of Our New, Virtual Face of the Pokémon Trading Card Game

Treading Shockwaves

Coming to Terms w/ the Pandemic, PikaRom Two Ways (PikaHammers + PikaClay), and an Aside on the SPE/Region-Locking Debate
After it’s eaten its fill, its movements become extremely sluggish. That’s when Cramorant swallows it up. (Arrokuda)

Grab Bag

Attendance at Tournaments, Commentating (Drama in Storytelling), the Grind, Marketing, and a Funny Story

A Super Standard Send-off

On Day 2 + T64–128 Prizing, the Counter Decks of Collinsville (Vileplume, Zoroark/Garbodor), and the States of Both Formats

A Deep Dive on Worlds

Considering the Realm of Worlds, On the “Right” Ease of Invitation, and Open Season On the Open

The Next Arena

Kenny’s Thoughts on Qualifying for Worlds 2019 and a Retrospective on the 2018 Season Structure
Through its nose, it sucks in the emanations produced by people and Pokémon when they feel annoyed. It thrives off this negative energy. (Impidimp)

Current Affairs

A Discussion of the (Good!) State of Expanded and Discussion of Malamar for FLI Standard

The Progression of Events

Brit’s Analysis of Secrecy, Deck Ideas, the Formats, and the Evolutions Thereof

On a Plethora of Perplexing Problems

Kenny on the State of Expanded, Luck, and Upcoming Events

A Parched Prize?

Surveying the Prize Structure in the Cash Era of Regional Tournaments

Double Duty

Brent on Parenting a Junior + a Senior, The State of the Circuit, and a Midpoint Reflection on the Season
They diligently serve people and Pokémon so they can gather feelings of gratitude. The females are particularly good at babysitting. (Indeedee)