363 results for: other
Part Two “Sometimes overthinking before a tournament to the point of stress will completely demolish any sense of concentration. Knowing when to take breaks to forget any worries about a tournament, whether the worry be unpreparedness or acquiring cards last-minute or anything else, can help concentration later on. Letting your mind get stuck on certain thoughts (like feeling unprepared) can kind of slow the process of getting over it. Say I were feeling really unprepared for a tournament that I had the next day. I know what I’m going to play, but keep on thinking of every single thing that could go wrong. I’ve gotten…
Questions for You on the New Set and Format “Last article, I asked a question for my Poké-Poll which you all voted on. The question was: “What do you think of the new rules?” The choices were: I like/love them. I dislike/hate them. I don’t really care/it’s too early to tell. I have tallied up the votes, and the results are: Seven people voted ‘A’ Three people voted ‘B’ One person voted ‘C’ Thanks everyone who voted on the Poké-Poll! Hopefully next time, we can get even more votes! Thank you for reading this and I hope you will discuss the questions I asked and message me what you…
Malaysia 2014 City Championship Report with Klinklang/Reuniclus “It has been awhile, SixPrizes. It is almost a year since my last article, and my last season ended at Malaysian Nationals with Plasma Klinklang, losing in Top 8. Since then, I’ve relocated to Wollongong, New South Wales, and the lack of a League there made it difficult to continue being competitive. Returning to Malaysia in December for a short holiday made all the difference as I’m now back in Premier Events, albeit only for a short while before returning to Australia. I must admit that I did barely any playtesting at all during these few weeks, and was certain…
If this Pokémon senses a strong emotion, it will run away as fast as it can. It prefers areas without people. (Hatenna)
Ideas to Metagame the Big Four at Fall Regionals “I had a great run at the Klaczynski Open going 5-2 and just missing cut by a hair. I ran Plasma with 2 Absol and an Enhanced Hammer, both big techs for the mirror. I faced 4 Plasma decks for the first 4 rounds so that intuition paid off. I won all 4 series and the Enhanced Hammer was super clutch in all four. It either gives you an extra advantage in the games you go first or allows you to catch up on Energy attachments if you go second. The two Absol are great attackers against Kyurem and really pack…
Offbeat Ideas for the Fall Season “As more and more players begin testing the major decks, others have begun looking at alternatives to counter the upcoming meta in a bid to stay ahead of the curve. We will take a brief look at some of these decks and their pros and cons. “What is it?” Tool Drop is named after Trubbish PLS 65’s attack, Tool Drop. The core of the deck’s strategy revolves around the new Sigilyph PLB and its Ability, Toolbox, which allows itself to have up to four Pokemon Tool cards attached to it, hence allowing Trubbish’s damage output to reach levels over 9000.…
How to Get the Most out of Your Tournament Experience “Tournament success comes from many different variables ranging from pre-tournament playtesting to in-game mental focus. I’ve come up with five specific keys to having success at a tournament. 1. Test, Test, Test Testing is one of the most important parts of playing Pokemon because there are so many variations of deck lists as well as an abundance of decks themselves. Going tier 1 is fine, but making sure that you know your matchups is important. A good list can only get you so far. A key to testing is finding a deck you like and playing with it over and…
The lessons of many harsh battles have taught it how to accurately judge an opponent’s strength. (Corvisquire)
After being reborn as a ghost Pokémon, ______ wanders the areas it used to inhabit back when it was alive in prehistoric seas. (Dreepy)