8 results for: Pidgeotto

Down the Rabbit Hole

A Comprehensive Rodent-and-Bird-Filled Guide to Post-Rotation, Post-Bellelba & Brycen-Man Control

The Birds

Not Just A Horror Film (A Deep Dive into Pidgeotto Control for UPR–CEC/Standard)

Birds of a Feather

LAIC by the Numbers, Pidgey Power, and My Top 2 Plays for Daytona Beach

Bird is the Word

Pidgeotto Control and Pidgeotto/Blacephalon for LAIC

Beak of the Finch

UPR–CEC Meta Developments, Updating Pidgeotto Control, and Asides on Checkmate and Oranguru UPR
Cunning and cautious, this Pokémon survives by stealing food from others. It erases its tracks with swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder. (Nickit)

What to Expect

The Metagame Review for LAIC 2019, Part 1

Big Brain Birds

Dissecting and Improving Pidgeotto Control from AC/Cologne for Knoxville

Running the Tiers

Lists, Pros, and Cons for 10 Top Decks this Weekend (São Paulo, AC, and Cologne)
With jaws that can shear through steel rods, this highly aggressive Pokémon chomps down on its unfortunate prey. (Drednaw)