6 results for: playtesting

Another Brick in the Full Metal Wall

Zacian/LucaMetal, Learning Lines of Play, the Players Cup, Growing as a Player, and on Using Articles

Wake Me Up When Junetember Ends

Sitting Out the Players Cup, Qualifying 101, My Personal Preparation Process, Trends from Limitless Q3, and Hybrid PikaRom for Q4

Admit One

Five Things I’ve Learned About the UPR–RCL Metagame, Format Favs (Fire Box, Mewtwo Welder, Inteleon VMAX/Frosmoth), the Players Cup, Playtesting, and Record Keeping

Making the Most of the Quarantine

A Three-Step Plan for Preparing for the Return of the Pokémon TCG

It’s All Gravy

The Proper Playtesting Process and Potent Plays for Cities
It’s so strong that it can knock out some opponents in a single hit, but it also may forget what it’s battling midfight. (Cramorant)
It lived in snowy areas for so long that its fire sac cooled off and atrophied. It now has an organ that generates cold instead. (Galarian Darumaka)