23 results for: podcast

Can We Lost Zone Zoroark?

SixPrizes Podcast Ep. 28

Merry Times in Maryland

6P Podcast Ep. 27

The Podcast: Ep. 25

‘Exploring Expanded’ with an Eye toward Portland’s Regional Championships

The Philly Feels

Podcast Ep. 23: Decks for Philadelphia Regionals

Reflections on Columbus

Podcast Ep. 21: The Best Decks from NAIC
What appears to be an iron helmet is actually hardened hair. This Pokémon lives for the thrill of battle. (Perrserker)

Sizing up Sheffield

Podcast Ep. 20: Getting a Grip on Standard

Shedding Light on Madison

Podcast Ep. 19: Investigating Standard For Wisconsin

Fairly Forbidden

Podcast Ep. 18: Shedding a Light on the Forbidden Formats

Loco for Latin America

Podcast Ep. 16: Previewing the São Paulo International Championship

I Wanna be the Very Best

Podcast Ep. 15: How To Improve Your Game
It wraps prey up with its heated body, cooking them in its coils. Once they’re well-done, it will voraciously nibble them down to the last morsel. (Sizzlipede)

Shenanigans in Charlotte

Podcast Ep. 14: Starting March’s Standard Madness

Ultra Thoughts on Ultra Prism

Podcast Ep. 12: A Look at Ultra Prism and Its Impact on Standard

Owning Oceania

Podcast Ep. 11: Looking Ahead to Internationals in Sydney

The Sounds Return

Podcast Ep. 6: Headed to Hartford
The colder they get, the more energetic they are. They freeze their breath to make snowballs, using them as ammo for playful snowball fights. (Galarian Darumaka)