7 results for: PRC–GRI
The Quiet Days and Second Wind of My Pokémon Career, Including the Most Unbalanced Decks I’ve Played, from 2013–2014 to Now “Ah, where were we? After 2013 Worlds, BLW, EPO, NVI, and DRV were rotated. Since the early Black & White sets started off slow, and because power creep really ramped up started at NXD, very few important cards were lost to this rotation. In addition, several of the powerful cards had already been reprinted: Terrakion got a secret rare in BCR; EPO Item powerhouses Pokemon Catcher and Max Potion got theirs in DEX and PLF; and the staple supporters Professor Juniper and N were spared too. The main exceptions were Eelektrik NVI and Crushing Hammer EPO. Virizion-EX/Genesect-EX PLB was the…
How I’m Dealing w/ Being Stuck Inside, Myriad Online Tournaments, and Introducing Project Old Decks “As many of you know, there are online tournaments and circuits popping up left and right. The abrupt cancelation of the season seems to have finally gotten the community to make the push toward holding online tournaments. There isn’t the same level of prestige as in-person tournaments, but for the situation this is an incredible collective effort. I’m hoping that this gives TPCi the push they need to improve the online client because of how many players are finally using it. What kinds of online tournaments are there? Limitless Online Series UPR–SSH Pods BLW–SSH Pods PokéStats Old Formats Tournaments I’ll…
Dark for Toronto, Alolan Ninetales and Garbodor for Seattle “If I were going to Toronto, I think the best and safect choices for an inexperienced Expanded player such as myself to consider would be either Volcanion-EX or Turbo Dark. Both options are very solid and don’t have any clear weaknesses or auto losses that I can come up with. The presence of Gallade PRC in a variety of decks could possibly hinder Turbo Dark a little bit, but other than that, there aren’t any other viable Fighting types besides Primal Groudon (which one-shots you no matter what). Sam Hough’s list from Portland Regionals seems like an extremely safe play for…
Three More Archetypes for Guardians Standard “For this deck, I’ve basically started with the Lapras list that I played in Brazil. We played Max Elixir to better deal with the Volcanion we expected, but thankfully we’re able to play Puzzle of Time in that slot now. Otherwise, all of the cards that you could want are basically the same between the two decks. I’m incredibly interested in testing out Sylveon as it has a nearly foolproof gameplan against Decidueye. Being able to search out Hex Maniac turn after turn is insane. On the first turn, you grab a Hex Maniac and a VS Seeker, as well…
New Archetypes for Guardians Standard “Vikavolt SUM is a card I was very interested in when it was released, and now that it has a GX counterpart, the concept can only be stronger. The general strategy is to get out all of your Grubbin ASAP and evolve them into Vikavolts. From there, you begin using your multiple methods of Energy acceleration to get your attackers online and ready to start dishing out serious damage. The acceleration provided by Vikavolt SUM is actually incredibly powerful, and is complemented by the acceleration attack on the GX! With a single Vikavolt’s energy acceleration plus an attachment, you can…
It stands in grasslands, watching the sun’s descent from zenith to horizon. This Pokémon has a talent for delivering dynamic kicks. (Stonjourner)
Further Exploration of Guardians Rising “Victini This is another spiritual reprint, this time of “Fliptini” from Noble Victories. It has a bit more HP and a slightly stronger attack this time around, but you’re really here to flip coins. Fliptini saw virtually no competitive play whatsoever the last time, and I don’t really expect it to see much this time either. This is wholly dependent on the flip effects in the format, of course, but none jump out at me immediately compatible. Chandelure This is another in a long line of damage manipulation abilities. This time, Chandelure moves one counter from any one Pokemon to another,…
Guardians Rising Preview Pt. 1 “In my last article, I gushed over Guardians Rising. This set is really going to change the game, and I think it’ll be strictly for the better. Last time, I had the pleasure of covering Tapu Lele-GX and Field Blower, the two best cards in the set. I won’t be covering them again here because you can check out my previous article, but here’s a summary of my thoughts in case you missed it: These are the single two best cards Pokemon has created since Shaymin-EX, unquestionably. Last time it was easy to talk shop, because I only had two cards to worry about. This time, I’ve got what seems like…
This Pokémon slept for aeons while in the form of a statue. It was asleep for so long, people forgot that it ever existed. (Zamazenta)