6 results for: Primal Groudon
Primal Groudon in Dallas, Bans in Expanded, and Swampert in Standard (Pre-Team Up) “I’m trying to think of another deck that has had such longevity in the field of viability, and I’m drawing a blank. There have been no Regionals since the initial rise of Primal Groudon that I feel the deck has been utterly unplayable. Dallas was no exception to this. We saw a few vastly different takes on the deck this past weekend, all of them viable in their own right. My build was built more as an attacking–mill-style deck, whereas the others we saw focused more on healing their Groudon rather than alternate attackers. Hours of testing with my friend,…
Looking at Trevenant BREAK, Lucario-GX, and Primal Groudon for Dallas Expanded, Plus News “Trevenant is in a bit of an odd choice. Item Lock is a reasonable approach to much of what Expanded has to offer in terms of threats, and Archie’s Blastoise—an ugly specter of a matchup—has checked back out of the carousel of Expanded viability. The bad news is that there’s nothing revolutionary to offer for the Zoroark matchups: your reliance on Item Lock to offset their advantages and Faba/Enhanced Hammer to neutralize the attacking threat is as pronounced as ever. I’m of the persuasion that you have the ability to deal with control as a concept, but, admittedly, it’s as…
Recapping the Toronto Emergents “My brother, Alex, dispensed with even the minimal testing that I did and resolved early in the evening to simply play Groudon. My testing yielded nothing to unseat that idea, and once Night March was tabled by the seemingly imminent rise of Giratina, I was left to return to Groudon myself. The list, though, was a matter of intense debate between Alex and I (and, once he got on board, Sean Foisy). Since our experience in Portland, Alex has been insistent on including a Hex Maniac to shore the Darkrai/Giratina matchup. Personally, I believed the energy denial we included was…
Standard Greninja and Thoughts for Toronto “Let us begin by exploring the list I have been working on: There is very little to discuss about the Pokemon count in this list. For the most part, this has been the norm since Steam Siege, and I think that is for good reason. There has been some debate over whether or not Talonflame is needed in the list, but I have argued for its inclusion since the Fall despite the trend somewhat reflecting otherwise. By no means is Talonflame “needed,” but Greninja, as many of are acutely aware, has some natural inconsistency, and I think Taloneflame is simply the…
__________ takes this form when enraged. It won’t stop spewing flames until its rage has settled, even if its body starts to melt. (Galarian Darmanitan)
A Study in Gimmickry in the Pokémon TCG “For starters, I think it important to define what a gimmick deck is and what it is not. Interestingly enough, the definition for “gimmick” embodies the idea sufficiently: Gimmick: a method or trick that is used to get people’s attention or to sell something.
1 a : a mechanical device for secretly and dishonestly controlling gambling apparatus
1 b : an ingenious or novel mechanical device : gadget
2 a : an important feature that is not immediately apparent : catch
2 b : an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle
2 c : a…
A clay slab with cursed engravings took possession of a ______. The slab is said to be absorbing the ______’s dark power. (Galarian Yamask)