1 result for: Seaking
Seaking (and Destroy…) and My Top Three VMAXs from Rebel Clash (Dragapult, Toxtricity & Inteleon) w/ Launchpad Lists “This leads me to the deck I mentioned before, Seaking SSH! I’ve been having a ton of fun messing with opponents and trying to exhaust all their resources before they can take 6 Prizes. The main resource you try to get rid of, of course, is Energy as Ripping Horn removes 3 Energy over the course of two turns (on average). When you consider that Zacian V decks can only have 4 Metal Saucer, or PikaRom decks only have 1 Tapu Koko {*} and 1 Thunder Mountain {*}, the loss of 3 Energy can be huge. And when you combine…
This very aggressive Pokémon will recklessly challenge opponents stronger than itself. (Galarian Linoone)