3 results for: Shedinja
Pre-NAIC Tournament Results, What They Mean, PikaRom vs. ReshiZard, and Words on a Bunch of High-Placing Lists “Headed into NAIC, it is important to track what decks have been doing well. In this case, the results of the two events I think are most important to be familiar with are Santiago Regionals and Origins SPE. In Santiago, the Top 8 deck breakdown for Masters was as follows: 1. PikaRom 2. PikaRom 3. PikaRom 4. Shedinja 5. ReshiZard 6. Malamar 7. Zoroark-GX/Persian-GX/Slowking 8. ReshiZard As for Origins, it was attended by over 100 Masters and won by Daniel Altavilla who defeated Will Jenkins in a ZapBeasts mirror match. These standings paint a clear picture: PikaRom and ZapBeasts are…
Fulop’s Fiery Unbroken Bonds Set Review, Exploring SUM–UNB w/ ReshiZard, GardEon, and Baby Blace, and Innovations at EUIC “via: Limitless TCG Fans of Tapu Koko rejoice! This deck is loaded with them! As a dedicated Spread deck, this list runs 4 copies of the Flying Flip promo (I now regret only buying 3 copies of the card under the assumption that was more than I’d ever need!), the Prism Star, and a copy of the GX. This is far from the first time we’ve seen a Tapu Koko-based Spread deck, and the core of this deck is certainly a gimmick we’ve seen before. Flying Flip and Shrine of Punishment spread damage early on, while Zapdos TEU and Larvitar…
A Study in Gimmickry in the Pokémon TCG “For starters, I think it important to define what a gimmick deck is and what it is not. Interestingly enough, the definition for “gimmick” embodies the idea sufficiently: Gimmick: a method or trick that is used to get people’s attention or to sell something.
1 a : a mechanical device for secretly and dishonestly controlling gambling apparatus
1 b : an ingenious or novel mechanical device : gadget
2 a : an important feature that is not immediately apparent : catch
2 b : an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle
2 c : a…
It stores electricity in each spine. Even if one gets broken off, it still continues to emit electricity for at least three hours. (Pincurchin)