10 results for: shuffling

From Top to Bottom

Anaheim Recap, the Standard Outlook, on Randomly Randomizing, Expanded Horizons, and a BLW–SM Launchpad

Give It Up for Gardevoir

Orlando Report, Aside on Shuffling, An Evolving List, and Matchups Examined

Mens Rea

An Inside Report on Cheating in the Pokémon TCG

Spring Sprang Sprung

In Defense of Pile Shuffling, Sleeper Hits, BREAKing Point, and Decks of FATE

The Far Side

Mega Gardevoir, Vileplume Variants, Meta Predictions, and Team Tips
Cunning and cautious, this Pokémon survives by stealing food from others. It erases its tracks with swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder. (Nickit)

Flash, Grass, and Fast

9 Different Decks for Spring Regionals

Fixer Upper

Improving Meta Decks to Create the Three Best Decks in the Format

Beep Boop

A Unique Shuffle, Early-Game Resource Management, Early-Spring Tier List, Decks, and Cards

Wayback Machine

On Works Past and Updating Old Theories for New Formats

Lonely is the Night March

Random Thoughts on Randomizing, A Greener View from the Dark Side, and the Final Week
No matter who you are, if you bring strong emotions near this Pokémon, it will silence you violently. (Hattrem)