2 results for: Stonjourner
The Untapped Potential of Pokémon Research Lab, Omastar TEU, and Stonjourner VMAX “I placed Top 8 at the 2004 World Championship and Top 4 at the 2008 U.S. National Championship. I have won one Regional Championship (2008), two Gym Challenges (2004 and 2005), and seven State Championships (in most of the years leading up to and including my last full season of playing: 2013). I am also very proud of my smaller tournament wins and high placements at various States, Regionals, and Gym Challenges throughout the years. Since December, I have played and placed in a handful of League Cups and Challenges around Portland. I also played in the Collinsville Regional Championship…
Wobbuffet/Sableye V for Collinsville and in the Concept Cave with Torkoal V, Stonjourner VMAX, and Zacian V “The following deck is the list I’ve put the most time into for Collinsville Regionals, which is just a little over two weeks away! For those of you that don’t know, Collinsville Regionals in 2018 was my first Day 2 finish, where I played Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX, so the tournament holds a special place in my heart. Enough nostalgia, though; here’s the list: There’s a ton to unpack here, and I’ll get into the specific counts in a moment, but the essential concept is to slow your opponents down by going second and starting Wobbuffet PHF. From there, you’ll quickly find that…
It’s usually peaceful, but the vandalism of mines enrages it. Offenders will be incinerated with flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. (Coalossal)