26 results for: SUM–UNB

Punch of Toad, and Arrow of Owl

The Quiet Days and Second Wind of My Pokémon Career, Including the Most Unbalanced Decks I’ve Played, from 2013–2014 to Now

The Twilight-GX Zone

Unfortunate Off-Meta—Gardevoir-GX/Swampert—for NAIC (Oops…), and Rearview-Mirror Thoughts on the 2018–2019 Competitive Season

The First Circle of…Well…

UPR-on ReshiZard, Predicted Trends for UPR-on, the Transition Period (Goodbye, Cards…), and a Succinct NAIC Recap

Checkmate, Check-Pokémon

An NAIC Recap, What Made 1st–3rd Unique, My Own Tournament Report, and Reflections on Losing Your Head

Culminating w/ Coulombs 4 Columbus

A Complete Guide to PikaRom for NAIC, Including Matchups + Lists, and a Different Take on ZapBeasts
Its curly fleece is such an effective cushion that this Pokémon could fall off a cliff and stand right back up at the bottom, unharmed. (Wooloo)

Win Conditions…

The Evolution of Wall Stall (from Hoopa/Gigas to Counter Attackers + Metal for NAIC), Blacephalon-GX, and Beyond—To the Lurking Tier 2

Two and a Few

Pre-NAIC Tournament Results, What They Mean, PikaRom vs. ReshiZard, and Words on a Bunch of High-Placing Lists

Flash Flood

Four Revelations for NAIC, Two Main Contenders, PikaRom v6.16, and ZapBeasts Reloaded

How to Train Your Dragons and Squids

Matchup Guides for Malamar & Friends and Ability ReshiZard for Origins + NAIC, and Some Words on the Final Stretch of the Season

Trading in Woops

A Journey with QuagNag through São Paulo, and Why Zoroark-GX is Now My Main Until the End of the Season
Weave a carpet from its springy wool, and you end up with something closer to a trampoline. You’ll start to bounce the moment you set foot on it. (Dubwool)

Moving Squid-ward

On ReshiZard’s Dominance, the (Mostly) Failed Attempts to Counter ReshiZard, and a Potential Savior, Malamar, in Two Flavors (Standard and Techy)

If You Need A List…

The Post-Madison Tier List and Optimal Decklists for Almost Every Archetype

The GX-Less Zone

Updated ZapBeasts, Baby Blowns, and Lost March for Origins and NAIC

Oops!… You Decked Out Again

A Full Look at Hoopa Wall Stall (Tournament Report, Deck Updates, and In-Depth Matchup Guide) for Madison

How to Play with Fire

An In-Depth Guide on ReshiZard’s Matchups (from PikaRom to QuagNag to Stall), and the 2nd Place Santa Clara List Updated for Madison
With their great intellect and flying skills, these Pokémon very successfully act as the Galar region’s airborne taxi service. (Corviknight)