6 results for: Team Plasma
The Rise and Glory Days of My Pokémon Career, Including Every Deck I Played During HS-on/2012 and BLW-on/2013 Modified Formats “Emerging Powers was the set released after Worlds 2011, a year famous for its mid-season rotation, Pokemon Reversal flips, and Ross Cawthon’s The Truth deck. Jay Hornung wonderfully documented the pre-EPO HS-on format extensively in his recent article. Let me remind you of some rules at this point in the game: Player who wins the coin flip must go first. Player who goes first has no restrictions. Pokemon Catcher did not require a coin flip. Burn is permanent like Poison, and you flip to see if you take damage. Emerging Powers was a notably bad set in terms of Pokemon—you…
Patching Predictions for the BCR-on Format “Empoleon/Miltank Pyroar TDK Virizion/Dragonite Plasma/Lugia Big Basics/Garbodor Conclusion I agree with Andrew that between the loss of Tropical Beach and the sure popularity of Seismitoad, Stage 2 decks will take a big hit. However, I’m not as convinced as he is that they are “unplayable” because of these things rather shoved into the lower ends of tier 1 and the higher ends of tier 2. Empoleon is a deck that will see less play in a BCR-on format than it would have in a PLS-on format. Being a Water type, it counters Landorus-EX well and built-in draw power puts it…
Early 2014-2015 Standard Format Deck Discussion “Lessons Learned from Nationals Addressing Extended Format Concerns Donphan/Trevenant Speed Plasma Empoleon/Miltank Pyroar Revisiting Dragonite Revisiting Lucario/Mewtwo Conclusion 1. SixPrizes is a really great place for information. I don’t know if you guys all caught this or not, but the deck that won US Nationals was published on SixPrizes just a few weeks before the tournament. Stephen Lewis wrote an article about the evolution of Big Basics and the deck was originally piloted to an 11th place finish at the UK National Championships by Luke Kirkham. 2. Pyroar is really good… or is it? By far the biggest surprise of the tournament…
An Analysis of the Japanese Battle Carnival “The metagame before the tournament, taken from shop tournament results, testing results, and speculation is very similar to what the United States format is turning into right now. The only deck that is added with BW9 is Virizion EX + Genesect EX, but the rest of the decks seem very standard. “But why isn’t Blastoise + Keldeo EX + Black Kyurem EX PLS on the list? It should be tier 1, right?” Although Blastoise is one of the best decks right now I decided not to add it to the tier list. Because of the cost of Japanese Tropical Beach,…
It juggles a pebble with its feet, turning it into a burning soccer ball. Its shots strike opponents hard and leave them scorched. (Cinderace)
The powerful muscles in its tail generate its electricity. Compared to its lower body, its upper half is entirely too small. (Dracozolt)