6 results for: TinaChomp


A Look at One of the TEU–DAA Format’s Emerging Rogue Decks, TinaChamp/Magneton

Closing It Out

My Top 5 Plays for São Paulo Regionals, the Last Major Event of UPR–CEC

The Sylver Bullet

Closing the Book on RoxieChomp in Standard, and GardEon for Dallas

GG e Pronto

The Story of TinaChomp, the Brazilian Meta Call That Won San Diego Regionals (and How to Update it Moving Forward)

GG End

Daytona Beach and San Diego Regionals Recaps with a Detailed Breakdown of Garchomp & Giratina-GX/Mismagius
The special metal that composes its body is very light, so this Pokémon has considerable agility. It lives in caves because it dislikes the rain. (Duraludon)

Pony Up

Top 8 w/ ADPero at San Diego, a Primer on TinaChomp, the Wild Weekend, and Expanded/Dallas Musings
Powerful legs and jaws made it the apex predator of its time. Its own overhunting of its prey was what drove it to extinction. (Dracovish)