71 results for: tip

Aiming for the Bullseye

The Practice of Perfecting Practice in a Small Time Frame

The Joey Report

Junior/Senior Metagame Analysis for Melbourne Internationals

Back to the Future

The Pokémon Precedent, Anomaly and Meta, Early Picks for Anaheim, and What Else to Watch For

Alphabetical Order

An Analysis of the ABC Metagame, the Last of PRC–EVO, Nash’s Choice, and League Cups with Toad/Bats + Turbo Darkrai

The Hateful Eight

Revelations from (Actually) Testing, Three Favorites for Orlando, and A Few Almost-Theres
It juggles a pebble with its feet, turning it into a burning soccer ball. Its shots strike opponents hard and leave them scorched. (Cinderace)

Sunset Valley

Is 500 CP Too Much, Los Tres Grandes, Yveltal Moves, and the Night Machine


On Succeeding as a Time-Crunched Competitor and the Challenges of PokéParenting

Flipboard 360

The Key Tips Forgotten, New Standard Decks for Florida, and Retooled Classics for Philly

Great Again

On the Big Play! Pokémon Changes, Rotation Implications, and Three Decks That Could Dominate New Standard

Cards on the Fence

A Test for Whether Cards are Staple-Worthy or Binder Snacks
With their great intellect and flying skills, these Pokémon very successfully act as the Galar region’s airborne taxi service. (Corviknight)


On Perfecting the Netdeck, Tips for the Night March Mirror, and Early Favorites for Worlds

Step by Step

Henry’s Guide for Big Tournaments, Origins Results Discussion, and the New Meta

What I Learned in Boating School is …

A Seniors Kansas Regionals Report and Reflecting on Myself as a Player


An Examination into the Seldom Accredited Game-Ending Plays of Past and Present

The Far Side

Mega Gardevoir, Vileplume Variants, Meta Predictions, and Team Tips
Living with a savage, seafaring people has toughened this Pokémon’s body so much that parts of it have turned to iron. (Galarian Meowth)