71 results for: tip

Beep Boop

A Unique Shuffle, Early-Game Resource Management, Early-Spring Tier List, Decks, and Cards

Wayback Machine

On Works Past and Updating Old Theories for New Formats

Thinking Allowed

Five Methods for Evaluating New Cards and Uncovering Opportunities at State Championships

What to Watch For

The Persistence of Time, Top Three Plays for States, and Two Rogue Counters

Popular Vote

The Less Talked About Decks of the Standard Format
It’s very curious, but its means of investigating things is to try to punch them with its tentacles. The search for food is what brings it onto land. (Clobbopus)

Code Breaker

Thoughts and Methods for Cracking the Format

Setting Sights

7 New Year’s Pokémon Resolutions (and an Update on Engines)

Inspector Gadget

Investigating Effective Supporter Builds in the Standard and Expanded Formats

Opening Weekend

What to Expect, My Week 1 Picks, and Quick Tips for Cities Success

Risky Business

On Adopting a Winning Mentality (for Cities), a BREAKthrough Critique, and More Standard Lists
With sly cunning, it tries to lure people into the woods. Some believe it to have the power to make crops grow. (Morgrem)


Moving Forward with Standard, and a Guide to Coping with Format Rotations

Costume Party

Regionals Retrospective, BREAKthrough Standouts, and Early Reads on the Standard Meta

Noice Choice

The Six-Step Process for Choosing a Deck and Three Logical Plays for Worlds

Allez Cuisine!

The Importance of Competition and Primal Groudon Three Ways

Walking on Eggshells

The Rise of Exeggutor and Other Overlooked Cards
When it isn’t battling, it keeps Dreepy in the holes on its horns. Once a fight starts, it launches the Dreepy like supersonic missiles. (Dragapult)