71 results for: tip

Go Big or Go Home

An Analysis of Two Opposing Playstyles

Smart Mistakes

Trading In Conventional Wisdom for a Better Deck

There’s No ‘I’ in Pokémon

The Five Ws and One H of Successful Teams and Playtesters

Overcoming the Hype

A Guideline on Reactions and Adaptations


A Brief US Nationals Recap, the Player vs. Judge Perspective, and a Little Something to Count On Come Worlds or Next Season
When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity. (Toxtricity)

Plucky Ploys

Postulating the Particularly Perplexing Pyroar Problem for Plasma (with the Podcast Person)
Powerful legs and jaws made it the apex predator of its time. Its own overhunting of its prey was what drove it to extinction. (Dracovish)
It ate a sour apple, and that induced its evolution. In its cheeks, it stores an acid capable of causing chemical burns. (Flapple)