71 results for: tip
An Analysis of Two Opposing Playstyles “That’s enough about my story though. I was still able to make it to Washington, DC and frankly I was overwhelmed by the kindness of the community in my struggles. Naturally, not possessing any cards could have made making a deck very difficult, but a countless number of people (many of which I was hardly acquainted with) offered me cards and solemnly swore that I could borrow whatever I wanted. Many people (myself included) have always talked about how the Pokemon community is one of easily the best around and after an incident like this, I have no doubt that…
Trading In Conventional Wisdom for a Better Deck “”Smart Mistakes” Where Do These “Mistakes” Come From? An Example: Weavile PLF/Lopunny FLF Can You Spot the Problems? What You Can Do to Avoid “Smart Mistakes” Conclusion My idea for this article originated when I saw players posting lists online of their Yveltal-EX/Garbodor LTR decks. This happened some time ago, during the National Championships that were taking place all around the world. Over and over again, I saw lists that included four copies of Yveltal-EX, and it just didn’t make any sense to me. These were decks that were performing well too, mind you, and yet I could not wrap…
The Five Ws and One H of Successful Teams and Playtesters “Worlds 2014 had my team and me preparing… probably less than we should have. After my poor Nationals performance with Yveltal/Darkrai/Sableye/Hammers, I wanted to play an Evolution deck. I was very impressed with Ishaan’s Empoleon/Miltank list and played around with that a bunch in testing. Falling in love with Miltank, I experimented with other Stage 2 decks, including Flygon/Miltank and straight Dusknoir/Miltank, utilizing both Dusknoir BCR and Dusknoir FLF. While all of these decks were pretty good, I didn’t think any of them would be a super strong play for the Grinder. At Nationals I had also seen my good…
A Guideline on Reactions and Adaptations “Initial Hype Recognizing Potential New Decks Improving Existing Decks and Cards Admitting Defeat My Top 10 Cards in Furious Fists It’s one thing to have a new set released four times a year; it’s another that we can readily see what these cards will do months in advance. This leads to premature excitement, also known as “hype”. It can come in many forms, but what I am referring to mostly in when a community of players comes to the general consensus over a card’s perceived superior playability. Before a single tournament has even taken place with new cards (Japan included),…
A Brief US Nationals Recap, the Player vs. Judge Perspective, and a Little Something to Count On Come Worlds or Next Season “Blast from the Past: “Scrambled Eggs” A Brief US Nationals Recap The Player vs. Judge Perspective On Card Counts Zero Copies of a Card One Copy of a Card Two Copies of a Card Three Copies of a Card Four Copies of a Card Remember the Context! Conclusion Our “Blast from the Past” today will feature one of my all-time favorite cards: Electrode ex! In terms of balance, I think Electrode ex was one of the best cards ever created. Its Poke-Power was unbelievably fair, since it was unthinkably powerful but at the cost of two Prize cards. Its attack was…
When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity. (Toxtricity)
Postulating the Particularly Perplexing Pyroar Problem for Plasma (with the Podcast Person) “Eeveelutions This seems to make sense. Eevee can evolve into a number of Plasma Pokémon. This will allow them to take advantage of lovely advantages of the deck such as Deoxys-EX (adding damage), Thundurus-EX (attaching Energy using “Raiden Knuckle”), and Colress Machine (attaching Energy from the deck). Let’s have a look at the options: Flareon PLF For two Colourless Energy Flareon does 20 damage plus 10 more for each Pokémon in your discard. However, that 20 damage, when you add Muscle Band, Deoxys, and Laser, will add up to the magic 110 very quickly (20 base damage + 4 Deoxys +…
Powerful legs and jaws made it the apex predator of its time. Its own overhunting of its prey was what drove it to extinction. (Dracovish)
It ate a sour apple, and that induced its evolution. In its cheeks, it stores an acid capable of causing chemical burns. (Flapple)