3 results for: treasures & traps
Chaotic Zacian V and Treasures & Traps (Collinsville Edition, ft. RoxieChomp, Turbo Dark, Ultra Necrozma, and More) “I know that fellow author Jonathan Croxton wrote about this very same deck yesterday, but I still think it’s important to cover my iteration of the list because it feels different enough and uses a few different strategies in certain matchups. While Jonathan went for a more aggressive approach, using cards like Sky Field and no Tapu Lele-GX, I’ve been finding success with a more methodical version of the deck. Here’s what I have sleeved up right now: I’ve seen a ton of players on the Expanded PTCG Online ladder try to put an Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX into…
Steven’s PikaRom in San Diego, Treasures & Traps (Post-Bans Edition), and Two Concepts for Dallas “I was feeling fairly confused heading into San Diego Regionals, following Daytona the week before. My top pick had been an Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX list not too dissimilar from the one Diego would take to a Top 4 finish later on, followed by a Malamar list which featured Ultra Necrozma-GX and Gengar & Mimikyu-GX, inspired by that of Daniel Altivilla. However, I wasn’t really feeling satisfied with either pick; I knew both were good, but ever since I had been working with Lost March, I wanted to find something else that felt like it had surprise factor. Speaking…
LAIC/MewMew Rewind, an Aside on Lost March, ADP for Daytona Beach, and Treasures and Traps (LAIC Edition) “Like many of our other writers, I chose to play Mewtwo and Mew-GX at the Latin America International Championships because it simply felt like the best deck for the event. When I tested Arceus & Dialgia & Palkia-GX (colloquially referred to as “ADP” for short) against fellow author Jon Eng’s Mewtwo & Mew-GX the night before the event, the deck felt underwhelming, and I decided to switch last-minute to the list below: Differences from Jon’s list include: -1 Pokegear 3.0 -1 Solgaleo-GX SM104 +2 Reset Stamp I finished a mediocre 3-3-1 drop on the day after an encouraging 3-1 start,…
The skin on its face is impervious to attack, but breathing difficulties made this Pokémon go extinct anyway. (Arctovish)