15 results for: Ultra Necrozma
Chaotic Zacian V and Treasures & Traps (Collinsville Edition, ft. RoxieChomp, Turbo Dark, Ultra Necrozma, and More) “I know that fellow author Jonathan Croxton wrote about this very same deck yesterday, but I still think it’s important to cover my iteration of the list because it feels different enough and uses a few different strategies in certain matchups. While Jonathan went for a more aggressive approach, using cards like Sky Field and no Tapu Lele-GX, I’ve been finding success with a more methodical version of the deck. Here’s what I have sleeved up right now: I’ve seen a ton of players on the Expanded PTCG Online ladder try to put an Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX into…
Dallas Recap w/ Ultra Necrozma, Takeaways for BLW–SSH Expanded, Sword & Shield Top 5 Cards, and an Aside on Goal Setting “Going into Dallas, I was fairly set on playing Ultra Necrozma. I felt good about the deck, its matchups, and how it could efficiently deal with the decks I expected to see. In the week leading up to Dallas, I continued experimenting with my list, ultimately adding in some quirks that I ended up playing in my final list below: When I told people this weekend I was playing Ultra Necrozma, they would often respond with “Garbodor or Octillery?” I often found myself responding by saying “Both?” to a plethora of confused faces. So first, the Wobbuffet and Garbodor BKP…
Turbo ReshiRom, ReshiRom/Naganadel, and Ultra Consistency Ultra Necrozma for Dallas “The idea for utilizing Reshiram & Zekrom-GX originally came from a late night of Expanded testing, where I ran into a Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik deck, straight out of a little less than a decade ago. When I started building the deck myself, to remind myself of the old days, I remembered that there was a significantly stronger version of Rayquaza-EX, and built the Naganadel list farther below. While I’ll cover that deck in a moment, I wanted to have a little more pure aggression for my list, to truly scrap with the Turbo Greninja & Zoroark-GX decks. So, after looking through different…
The Latest on ZoroGarb, ADP Dark, and UltraGarb for Dallas “With that in mind, I have found myself putting in the most work with ZoroGarb, mostly because it feels familiar and very powerful. It combines a wide variety of things that are important in Expanded, such are Item abuse, Ability abuse, and overextension on the Bench usage, whilst having the amazing Trade Ability. Here is the latest draft of the list that I’ve been practicing with the most: The list is of course heavily based on Ian Robb’s winning list from Portland. However, it does feature new inclusions that are both great new cards but also personal preference choices. The…
Exploring Expanded Garbodor Variants: Zoroark-GX, Ultra Necrozma, and Rogue Giratina-EX/Welder “Zoroark-GX/Garbodor has been a staple of the Expanded format for as long as I can remember. Lists have remained incredibly similar over time due to the unchanging core of the deck: Brigette and Colress. These two Supporters define the engine and contribute to the deck’s low variability between games. Garbotoxin always counters an entire format, Riotous Beating is a good attack, and Trade glues the components together. As you’ll see, the list is quite similar to all those before it. To start my testing, I took Ian Robb’s list from Portland and made a few changes to account for the…
Its unique style of coiling allows it to blast sand out of its sand sac more efficiently. (Sandaconda)
Last Word, Beast Box, and Ultra Necrozma/Malamar for EUIC (SUM–TEU) “Alex Krekeler and I have seen some success playing Beast Box because of how well it handles a select few decks. I believe this list to be as close to optimal as Beast Box is ever going to get. 4 Stakataka-GX Stakataka-GX is the reason this deck is so strong. With four on the Bench, all damage done to any of your Pokemon is reduced by 40 damage, which means Thunderous Assault hits for 40 base damage. Assembly-GX is also a very strong attack that is completely underrated. Doing 50+50 for each Prize card that you’ve taken does enough…
A Look at the Established Contenders (Lightning Toolbox, Zapdos/Ultra Beasts, Blacephalon, Zororoc, and Ultra Necrozma/Malamar) for Denver Regionals “This deck can play an aggressive Zapdos plan, but also gets to transition into Pikachu & Zekrom-GX. This deck can’t go for the Turn 1 Full Blitz reliably, but it gives up that line for a lot of additional versatility. Let’s look at all of the different attackers this deck supports! Zapdos Pikachu & Zekrom-GX Zeraora-GX Tapu Koko-GX Jolteon-GX Tapu Koko {*} (Hey, it can attack!) The lines are all thin, but it doesn’t really matter too much as you have so many options. One thing that is important to stress with this deck is that no, you won’t always…
SUM–TEU as a Whole, Oceania Internationals Results Analysis, Ultra Necrozma for Collinsville, and Words on Zoroark/Lycanroc + PikaRom/Jirachi Too “I was rather unsure of my feelings about the new format. On one hand, I was, and still am, very excited to be able to play a format that isn’t the travesty that the previous Standard format was. On the other hand, I don’t know that I like the changes that Team Up brought. It seems to me that games are almost always decided by Turn 2 with very little chance to come back once you fall behind in many matchups. For instance, the Zapdos mirror match is the first matchup that I believe it is actually correct to choose…
The Oceania Meta, Post-Oceania Zoroark, Ultra Necrozma / Malamar (Updated), and What We Have Left “Based on what I heard, the Day 1 metagame was very similar to what we saw Day 2: a lot of Lightning decks—mixed between Pikachu & Zekrom-GX and Zapdos based—along with a heavy presence of Ultra Necrozma-GX/Malamar decks and Zoroark-GX as well. Decks like Blacephalon-GX and Psychic Malamar also showed up in lower numbers, but ultimately didn’t do as well as the others previously mentioned. The Top 8 was comprised of 3 Zapdos, 3 Pikachu & Zekrom-GX, and 2 Zoroark-GX decks. Malamar had three Top 16 showings, including a 9th place bubble. One of the three Zapdos decks included Buzzwole…
Oceania IC Results Discussion, Breakout Cards, and the Four Major Decks Heading into Collinsville “Let’s look at the results from the Masters Division of the event! Here are the Day 2 final standings (via Limitless, PokéStats, RK9 Labs): 1. Byron Isaiah Williams — Zapdos Jirachi 2. Stéphane Ivanoff — Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario 3. Kaiwen Cabbabe — Pikachu & Zekrom 4. Jose Marrero — Pikachu & Zekrom 5. Bert Wolters — Zapdos Jirachi 6. Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira — Pikachu & Zekrom 7. Henry Brand — Zoroark Lycanroc 8. Daniel Altavilla — Zapdos Jirachi 9. Christian Hasbani — Malamar Ultra Necrozma 10. Robin Schulz — Zapdos Jirachi 11. Azul Garcia Griego — Zapdos Jirachi 12. Rahul…
Be cautious of the ectoplasmic body surrounding its soul. You’ll become stiff as stone if you touch it. (Cursola)
Shrine Zapdos, Pikachu & Zekrom-GX (Updated!), and Ultra Necrozma-GX/Malamar for SUM–TEU (Pre-Oceania IC Standard) “The best deck (that I wouldn’t play at Melbourne) is Shrine Zapdos. The deck has felt extremely powerful, yet it easy to prepare for by teching Alolan Muk SUM or a copy of Absol TEU into many decks. That has been the biggest issue I’ve encountered, along with tanky Celebi & Venusaur-GX-based decks. A deck such as this one can thrive in an environment that suits it, where it’s not expected and no one is playing Absol or Celebi & Venusaur. However, due to the OIC metagame being undefined, I genuinely think Shrine Zapdos is not a good call as…
The Return of Fulop’s Korner, Malamar Goes Far, and a Special Poll (RED or BLUE?) “I finished in the Top 64 of Roanoke Regionals with a pretty unique take on an Ultra Necrozma/Malamar deck that has since spawned a very unusual direction for me to take the archetype. For reference, this is the list I piloted at the event: This deck has a lot of options available to it, but the main thing that stood out from playing the deck is just how strong Ultra Necrozma’s Sky-Scorching Light-GX attack was. Traditionally, Ultra Necrozma builds of Malamar focused on just one-shotting opposing Pokemon. That isn’t exactly a bad plan, as Ultra Necrozma is extremely efficient…
A Discussion of the (Good!) State of Expanded and Discussion of Malamar for FLI Standard “I do think there is great power in this banlist and you never want to appear as if you are caving in to the demands of the community, but if updated more frequently, I think it could easily be done if only as a charade that would make people more interested in Expanded. As stated above, the main problem with Expanded is that you simply do not have to care about it, and can plan your whole season around avoiding it if you really want to. It is simple to see how Expanded has always been something that you could…
Expanded SLC Recap, Fighting for Toronto, and First Looks at Buzzwole and Malamar/Necrozma for FLI Standard “This weekend showed that Zoroark has become predictable to an extent, and decks are adapting more successfully. We saw a huge surge of Fighting type decks, an important Drampa-GX/Garbodor presence, along with a Korrina based Gardevoir-GX deck, and even Sableye/Garbodor have a strong showing (with the latter taking the big win in the end). With only a single Zoroark deck in the Top 8, maybe the format will prove to be more varied than it felt to me personally this weekend. I’m not sure I can say I’d be happy with a more varied format that includes decks like Sableye/Garbodor…
Alex Discusses Post-LAIC Standard with Buzzwole and Ultra Necrozma “As we’ve seen from this weekend, you can play Buzzwole in any number of different ways. There are 2-3 tech slots that you can use for some number of the following cards: Fighting Energy Energy Switch (Multi Switch) Super Rod 2nd Mew-EX counter (Oricorio, Mew FCO, Mewtwo, Sudowoodo) Enhanced Hammer Zygarde-EX That seems to be the exhaustive list, and allows you to take the deck in a handful of different directions. Extra Fighting Energy and/or Super Rod help you be more consistent with Max Elixir. The 2nd Mew-EX “counter” and Enhanced Hammer give you a bit of an edge against…
When ________ is content, the cream it secretes from its hands becomes sweeter and richer. (Alcremie)