33 results for: UPR–CEC

The Birds

Not Just A Horror Film (A Deep Dive into Pidgeotto Control for UPR–CEC/Standard)

Closing It Out

My Top 5 Plays for São Paulo Regionals, the Last Major Event of UPR–CEC

The Sylver Bullet

Closing the Book on RoxieChomp in Standard, and GardEon for Dallas

Bags of Tricks

UPR–CEC Standard Meta Review, the Rise of Malamar, and Expanded Mewtwo Box

One Old, One New, One Red, One Blue

Steven’s PikaRom in San Diego, Treasures & Traps (Post-Bans Edition), and Two Concepts for Dallas
Its mighty legs are capable of running at speeds exceeding 40 mph, but this Pokémon can’t breathe unless it’s underwater. (Dracovish)

GG e Pronto

The Story of TinaChomp, the Brazilian Meta Call That Won San Diego Regionals (and How to Update it Moving Forward)

GG End

Daytona Beach and San Diego Regionals Recaps with a Detailed Breakdown of Garchomp & Giratina-GX/Mismagius

Pony Up

Top 8 w/ ADPero at San Diego, a Primer on TinaChomp, the Wild Weekend, and Expanded/Dallas Musings

The Flying Mew

Mew Box/Jirachi for San Diego and Mew Box w/o Jirachi at LAIC + Daytona Beach

Oops, I Left the Stove On

Recapping My Runs w/ Blacephalon/Naganadel at LAIC + Daytona Beach and Looking at the Top 16 Ability Zard from Daytona Beach
This Pokémon is said to have been born when a lonely spirit possessed a cold, leftover cup of tea. (Sinistea)

The Bees and the Birds

Beedrill/Pidgeotto for San Diego and Daytona Beach Analysis

That Which We Call a Rosa

Recapping My 2nd Place Rosa ADP List from Daytona Beach

A Calamari Appetizer

On the Daytona Beach Meta, Double-Victory Weekend w/ Malamar @ Cups, Catron’s Psychic Malamar, and Misc. Thoughts for San Diego

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

The Enigmatic QuagVally (Quagsire/Silvally) and Actual Big Brain Blowns (Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel) for San Diego

Birds of a Feather

LAIC by the Numbers, Pidgey Power, and My Top 2 Plays for Daytona Beach
Though it’s able to capture prey by freezing its surroundings, it has trouble eating the prey afterward because its mouth is on top of its head. (Arctovish)