28 results for: UPR–SSH

Picture in Picture

Top 64 @ Limitless Q2 w/ ADPZ, the Hidden Benefits of Livestreaming Yourself, Upgrading to ADPZZ, and Toxtricity VMAX for LQ3

The Socially-Distant Poké Life

How I’m Dealing w/ Being Stuck Inside, Myriad Online Tournaments, and Introducing Project Old Decks

Stone Temple Piloting

The Untapped Potential of Pokémon Research Lab, Omastar TEU, and Stonjourner VMAX

From Here to There

My Lapras VMAX for the Limitless Online Series, Updated from Q1 for Q2 and w/ Rebel Clash for Q3

Squid Now and Squid Later

What I Like About the Limitless Online Series, Mew3/Malamar (My Q1 Deck), and Malamar VMAX to Counter Dragapult, the Likely New BDIF
This Pokémon generates electricity and channels it into its legs to keep them going strong. _______ can run nonstop for three full days. (Boltund)

Wow, Look at That ‘S’ Car Go

My Other Standard Go-To, Magcargo-GX (for UPR–SSH Online Tournaments)

Jurassic Park

Salazzle Mill (for Toronto) and Morpeko VMAX 2.0 (for Charlotte), or What Would Have Been

Treading Shockwaves

Coming to Terms w/ the Pandemic, PikaRom Two Ways (PikaHammers + PikaClay), and an Aside on the SPE/Region-Locking Debate

The Electric Sheep Test

Dethroning ADP/Z, Turbo ADP/Z, Sleep Mill (Best Mill), and, Yep!, Shock Lock

What a Tool

Where We Left Off, Decks I’m Worried About for Toronto, and Tanky/Tooly ADP, My Fav Play for this Weekend
When ________ is content, the cream it secretes from its hands becomes sweeter and richer. (Alcremie)

The Too Good Dog

ADPZ, What Makes It So Strong, How to Curb It, Deck Updates, and a New Idea

The New Spin

On TrevNoir in Dallas, Other Expanded Contenders, ADsPinner, and the Post-Malmö Standard Tier List

Giant Feral Hamsters

Morpeko VMAX/Dusknoir in Collinsville, Flaws with Our List, Updates, Matchups, and Briefly on Standard

The Full Blitz

T16 @ OCIC w/ PikaRom, Why I Played It, Match Recaps, Matchups In-Depth, and Updates for the New Meta

Same Aurora

OCIC w/ ADPZ and Some Analyses on Nico/Tord’s 1st/7th Mewtwo/Welder and Zach’s 2nd Fire Box
It evolved after experiencing numerous fights. While crossing its arms, it lets out a shout that would make any opponent flinch. (Obstagoon)