25 results for: UPR–UNM

Quagging ‘n’ Nagging

The Making of Quagsire/Naganadel for the DC Open, My Latest List, and What Has Changed About the Deck

And We’re Off

Mew Box and the New ‘Zard, Malamar for Cups, Tiers, and Worlds Recap w/ PikaRom

Ghost Tour

An In-Depth Look at MimiGar (Gengar & Mimikyu-GX/Omastar TEU)—Worlds List, Card Choices, Potential Inclusions, and Matchups

Mewtwo Strikes Flint

How I Found the “True Form” of Mew Box, the Catcher-Less Junior Top 4 List, and a Comparison to Henry Brand’s Masters Winning List

Advanced Strategies for Taking 6 Prizes

A Complete Guide to Naganadel-GX Checkmate w/ the DC Open Winning List
With the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles, this Pokémon can overwhelm even Machamp. (Grimmsnarl)

Sounds to Silence

Dissecting the Unknown Meta (Decks One-by-One), On Picking a Deck, and 6P’s Final Words Before Worlds 2019

To Go Full Berserk

ReshiBlowns 2.0 and PikaRom in My Pocket (for That Tournament This Weekend)

August Heat

Idea Dump Updates, the Not BDIFs, and ReshiZard’s Matchups In-Depth for Worlds

Inside and Out

Five Final Tips, GG Malamar’s Matchups, and An Attempt at Stabilizing Dark Box

Soaring the Skies

GG Malamar w/ Dragon Talon and Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel for Worlds/DC Open
Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking for this Pokémon to come along and pour itself into it, turning the tea into a new ___________. (Polteageist)

Into the Lab

Pinch-Hitter PikaRom and Aerodactyl/Welder for Worlds/DC Open (+ What Is Still My Top Pick)

Let the Teching Begin

On the Best Finish Limits for 2019–2020 and My Current Top 3 Decks for Worlds

Ear Kitty Kitty

Psychic Malamar, On Using Spell Tag, and the Pitfalls of Naganadel-GX Control

1 Month Later…

My Favorite Decklists for Worlds, Including ReshiZard, PikaRom (w/ + w/o Jirachi), Dark Box, Blacephalon, Malamar, and Lost March

The DC Double

Two Worlds Powerhouses, PikaRom + ReshiZard, and How to Answer the Problem of Walls
It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings, causing a blizzard to chase offenders away. (Frosmoth)