25 results for: UPR–UNM
The Making of Quagsire/Naganadel for the DC Open, My Latest List, and What Has Changed About the Deck “Going into Worlds, I expected the meta to be mostly these five decks: PikaRom, now with Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX Green’s ReshiZard Malamar variants Blowns Mewtwo & Mew-GX decks When looking at this list, I noticed that three of the decks—PikaRom, Blowns, and Mewtwo—did not have a good answer to attacking Keldeo-GX. Benching a Keldeo does not immediately win the game against PikaRom, as they have a few 1-Prize attackers, but as long as you could power up several consecutive Keldeos, they would be in trouble. (Mind you, this is before 1-of Power Plant was mainstream in PikaRom). Using the…
Mew Box and the New ‘Zard, Malamar for Cups, Tiers, and Worlds Recap w/ PikaRom “PikaRom to me felt like the most reliable deck with a chance to beat anything, and I was pretty settled on 58 cards of my list before Day 1, which were the following: Before seeing Day 1’s results, the 2 remaining spots were occupied by 1 Tapu Fini UNM (as an answer to Blacephalon-GX) and 1 Great Potion (which is key vs. Malamar decks). However, the advantage that my 1500+ CP got me this season was competing directly in Day 2, and thus I was able to witness Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX power through Day 1, with very little Malamar or…
An In-Depth Look at MimiGar (Gengar & Mimikyu-GX/Omastar TEU)—Worlds List, Card Choices, Potential Inclusions, and Matchups “This is the list that I finally settled on playing in Day 2. A couple of my friends played similar lists in Day 1, but unfortunately, neither of them ended up making Day 2. When I was sent the initial list on Wednesday night, I was super intrigued and I set about optimizing it. I’ve actually been questioned over this choice by multiple people. Everyone assumes that your game plan in every matchup is to establish the lock, which then translates to “why not more Omastar/Fossil?” Well, there are really only three matchups where establishing the lock is necessary to…
How I Found the “True Form” of Mew Box, the Catcher-Less Junior Top 4 List, and a Comparison to Henry Brand’s Masters Winning List “When I started training with Mew Box, I took as reference some lists I saw on the internet, just to have a base to work with. Mew Box lists were usually full of draw Supporters like Coach Trainer and Cynthia, aiming to draw cards and maybe find Welder for the next turn. The more I tested the deck, the more I realized that the games in which I could use Welder both (A) as soon as possible and (B) over and over were the games where I won convincingly and the deck showed its true power. Every time I had…
A Complete Guide to Naganadel-GX Checkmate w/ the DC Open Winning List “The idea began with the first list I posted here on SixPrizes. That list revolved around a Mars engine and utilized the Reset Stamp + Mars combo. Once I created that list, I was unmotivated to improve it and couldn’t think of any new ideas to improve some of its bad matchups. PikaRom won with speed, Green’s ReshiZard won with healing, and Dark Box destroyed the deck with its plethora of win conditions. The deck didn’t have a strong answer to Malamar, as the opponent needed to bench a GX in order to set up a single-turn checkmate. Simply put,…
With the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles, this Pokémon can overwhelm even Machamp. (Grimmsnarl)
Dissecting the Unknown Meta (Decks One-by-One), On Picking a Deck, and 6P’s Final Words Before Worlds 2019 “The meta at Worlds is always a bit weird, but we’ve usually had a general feel for what the format will bring us. However, this year, we have a much different format than in years past. Instead of adding a single set to the card pool, we have rotated the first half of the Sun and Moon block and added a new set with 200+ cards. So what does that mean for the meta as a whole? Well, I think there is a much higher chance of some off-the-radar deck winning Worlds, similar to Mega Audino a couple years ago.…
ReshiBlowns 2.0 and PikaRom in My Pocket (for That Tournament This Weekend) “As you can see, this is not a normal Blacephalon-GX deck. The main focus of the deck, and why I believe it to be powerful, is Giant Hearth. This card is on such a high power level that it singlehandedly improves all Fire decks until it rotates. In addition to Blacephalon-GX, I included a ReshiZard which is where the name ReshiBlowns comes from. The inclusion of ReshiZard was pretty obvious to me as it is an incredibly powerful attacker. It doesn’t affect the Prize trade unless playing against another Blacephalon-GX deck, in which case you just don’t use ReshiZard. The…
Idea Dump Updates, the Not BDIFs, and ReshiZard’s Matchups In-Depth for Worlds “Dark Box ended up being quite strong, but it failed to beat ReshiZard no matter how many techs I tried to fit in. It also heavily relied on getting both a Sneasel and a Poiple down on the first turn of the game, and when that didn’t happen you’d be slowed down a lot. Overall, it’s a good deck, but I don’t think now is its time to shine. No matter what I did, Beheeyem would not cooperate with me. This was probably the worst of the decks that I tested solely because against some matchups, you just fizzle out.…
Five Final Tips, GG Malamar’s Matchups, and An Attempt at Stabilizing Dark Box “1. Test everything. In your mind you may have deemed that Malamar is bad after listening to what I have to say, or you’ve decided that Blacephalon-GX cannot be a real deck because Tapu Fini UNM autowins the matchup, but you have to actually play out those matchups to understand the game plans from both sides of the table. I try to test every Tier 1 and Tier 2 deck to understand how they function and what their win conditions are at separate points of the game. Doing this will help you play around certain cards and anticipate plays your…
GG Malamar w/ Dragon Talon and Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel for Worlds/DC Open “This card is the deck’s main attacker against other TAG TEAMs, which is why the deck plays 3 copies. Linear Attack can do 40 damage to any 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. Leading with this, you can then transition into Calamitous Slash for a big KO. Its GG End-GX attack is nice as well because if for some reason you can’t 1-hit KO something that is threatening, you can discard it instead—think of a ReshiZard with Choice Helmet or a PikaRom with 5+ Energy. Overall, Garchomp & Giratina-GX is one of the strongest cards to come out of Unified Minds.…
Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking for this Pokémon to come along and pour itself into it, turning the tea into a new ___________. (Polteageist)
Pinch-Hitter PikaRom and Aerodactyl/Welder for Worlds/DC Open (+ What Is Still My Top Pick) “Consistency is king in a new format. Malamar is supposed to be the “most consistent deck” because it kept Mysterious Treasure when every other deck lost their consistency. However, PikaRom didn’t lose as much as everything else, and, in my opinion, is just as consistent as (if not more so than) Malamar. While ReshiZard remains my top pick, PikaRom is a close second. I don’t want to play PikaRom for Worlds, but there is no denying how strong the deck can be. In my list, you’ll notice some things that aren’t standard in PikaRom right now, but I believe they…
On the Best Finish Limits for 2019–2020 and My Current Top 3 Decks for Worlds “I started my Worlds testing on the Monday right after NAIC with this mindset for deckbuilding: this is a completely new format, so I need to not make any assumptions and get my decks hyper consistent before I consider teching for matchups. I went through that process for 2–3 weeks, trying to get decks consistent and performing well over and over. Now that we are less than two weeks away from Worlds, however, I’m at the stage where I do want to make some matchups a bit easier if I can with techs, which brings me to my current lists…
Psychic Malamar, On Using Spell Tag, and the Pitfalls of Naganadel-GX Control “Looking at the list, there isn’t much spice outside of a couple of tech cards. As I said earlier, that’s the beauty of the deck. The list’s goal is to max out consistency while devoting a few slots to powerful tech cards. Jirachi is a great starter and pivot point for this deck. The deck runs 2 copies to mitigate prizing one of them, and for the increased probability of starting with one. I think running 1 Dedenne-GX is worthwhile as insurance for a bad starting hand. The deck already has 4 Pokemon Communication and plenty of Pokemon, so adding…
My Favorite Decklists for Worlds, Including ReshiZard, PikaRom (w/ + w/o Jirachi), Dark Box, Blacephalon, Malamar, and Lost March “Since my previous article, I ended up changing a few cards in the list, which was way more experimental than now, since I still had some pre-rotation concepts in mind, such as using Turtonator DRM to OHKO any Pokémon and Oranguru UPR to get Custom Catchers back, as well as having a chance of beating Shedinja. However, I soon realized the deck needed more consistency and that maybe its true strength lay in Power Plant and healing cards. I felt like the deck wouldn’t run well for two or three turns if I didn’t start the game with Green’s Exploration.…
Two Worlds Powerhouses, PikaRom + ReshiZard, and How to Answer the Problem of Walls “2 Pikachu & Zekrom-GX Most times you will want to use Full Blitz to power up other attackers. If you are taking a KO with Full Blitz then even better. However, worst case you can set up future KO’s. Tag Bolt-GX can potentially take a huge multi-prize turn which a lot of the time Tag Bolt-GX is used as an end game attack to finish the game quickly. Before if you Full Blitz onto the active Pikachu & Zekrom-GX it could get punished by an attacker that could otherwise take it down in one blow. However, now you…
It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings, causing a blizzard to chase offenders away. (Frosmoth)