20 results for: Vileplume

Beginning Very Epic

The Rise and Glory Days of My Pokémon Career, Including Every Deck I Played During HS-on/2012 and BLW-on/2013 Modified Formats

Sweet Sleeping Format

A Deep Look into HS–BLW, the Wild-Ride Anything-Goes 2011 Nationals and Worlds Format

Welcome to the Jungle

Top 8 @ Collinsville w/ Sceptile/Vileplume, Vileplume Variants Moving Forward, and Looking Toward Charlotte

Some Good Eggs

Preliminary Expanded Decklists ×4 and Mew3/Fire Box + Green’s Blowns for Standard

Remember Us? (Mwahahah…)

Midrange Zoroark-GX and the Sinister Vileplume Stall Reformulated for Santa Clara
Trainers ___________ trusts will be allowed to experience its distinctive flavor and aroma firsthand by sampling just a tiny bit of its tea. (Polteageist)

Spice Jr.’s List Parade

Tiers 1 thru 3, Melmetal/Magnezone, Passimian/Zapdos, Spread, Zororoc Deconstructed, Walls, Lightning Box, and Traditional Zororoc

A Super Standard Send-off

On Day 2 + T64–128 Prizing, the Counter Decks of Collinsville (Vileplume, Zoroark/Garbodor), and the States of Both Formats

Doing the Dallas Dance

Zooming in on Zoroark, Cradily Craft Chronicles, and Developing Dependable Decks for Dallas

Blooming to New Heights

Lurantis/Vileplume and Other Options for Toronto

The Reckoning of Owls

Recapping Roanoke, Perfecting Performance, and Talking Toronto
It stores poison in an internal poison sac and secretes that poison through its skin. If you touch this Pokémon, a tingling sensation follows. (Toxel)

The Return of the Trash King

Three More Archetypes for Guardians Standard

Rip Snorter of a Tourney, Mate!

Top 8 Melbourne Report, Tips for Mental Stability, Standard Metagame Analysis, and Counters to Decidueye

The Sound and the Froggy

Alex’s Worlds 2016 Tournament Report, Meta Trends, and Top 4 Round-Up

Spring Sprang Sprung

In Defense of Pile Shuffling, Sleeper Hits, BREAKing Point, and Decks of FATE

The Far Side

Mega Gardevoir, Vileplume Variants, Meta Predictions, and Team Tips
The colder they get, the more energetic they are. They freeze their breath to make snowballs, using them as ammo for playful snowball fights. (Galarian Darumaka)