9 results for: VirGen

Punch of Toad, and Arrow of Owl

The Quiet Days and Second Wind of My Pokémon Career, Including the Most Unbalanced Decks I’ve Played, from 2013–2014 to Now

Rayquaza and Chill

My Life as a Competitive Pokémon TCG Player, from 2010 to Now

Flash, Grass, and Fast

9 Different Decks for Spring Regionals

Seas to Skies

Thunderstruck, Trainers’ Mail Time, and the Ascent of Archie

Gym Challenge!

A Pokémon Journey with Raichu Post Roaring Skies
If this Pokémon senses a strong emotion, it will run away as fast as it can. It prefers areas without people. (Hatenna)

Ebb and Flow

The Uncertainty of the Post-Flashfire Metagame and a Look Back at Plox and Sablelock

We’re Live!

Streaming Through Time and The Top Five Basic-and-Stage 1 Decks of NXD–FLF

The Good, the Bad, and the WillGen

An Investigation on Preconceived Notions

Super Mario

2014 Brazilian Nationals 8th Place Masters Report
Its amusing movements make it very popular. It releases its psychic power from the pattern on its belly. (Mr. Rime)