3 results for: WailKarp
Steven’s PikaRom in San Diego, Treasures & Traps (Post-Bans Edition), and Two Concepts for Dallas “I was feeling fairly confused heading into San Diego Regionals, following Daytona the week before. My top pick had been an Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX list not too dissimilar from the one Diego would take to a Top 4 finish later on, followed by a Malamar list which featured Ultra Necrozma-GX and Gengar & Mimikyu-GX, inspired by that of Daniel Altivilla. However, I wasn’t really feeling satisfied with either pick; I knew both were good, but ever since I had been working with Lost March, I wanted to find something else that felt like it had surprise factor. Speaking…
Magikarp & Wailord-GX Stall/Mill for Dallas Regionals “4 Magikarp & Wailord-GX The card that makes the entire deck function also does the least—Magikarp & Wailord-GX, much like Wailord-EX before it, has one job: sit back and don’t get Knocked Out. The only relevant difference is, of course, the massively increased HP. I find myself wondering how good of an idea it was to release a new series of cards based around the idea of Basic Pokemon with gargantuan amounts of HP, but we’ll have to shelve that discussion until the proper release of Team Up. 1 Girafarig LOT Moving on from the big GX, we’ve got a handful…
One-Fish/Two-Fish, the Renegade Rancher, and Texas Ranger for Dallas Regionals “So will this new card cause a wave (pun intended) of influence and make Archie’s Blastoise immediately better and a more powerful archetype? I believe the answer is no. The card is good—don’t get me wrong—but it’s still not super easy to get out and the Archie’s issue was never “lack of access” to a powerful attacker. Wishiwashi-GX, Articuno ROS 17, Volcanion {*}, Kingdra-GX, and Keldeo-EX are already an impressive arsenal for the deck. Magikarp & Wailord-GX hits some nice numbers with the 5-Energy cost, namely 180 to OHKO most Basic EXs and GXs, and a Choice Band allows it…
Anger has reignited its atrophied flame sac. This Pokémon spews fire everywhere as it rampages indiscriminately. (Galarian Darmanitan)