2 results for: XY–FCO
The Quiet Days and Second Wind of My Pokémon Career, Including the Most Unbalanced Decks I’ve Played, from 2013–2014 to Now “Ah, where were we? After 2013 Worlds, BLW, EPO, NVI, and DRV were rotated. Since the early Black & White sets started off slow, and because power creep really ramped up started at NXD, very few important cards were lost to this rotation. In addition, several of the powerful cards had already been reprinted: Terrakion got a secret rare in BCR; EPO Item powerhouses Pokemon Catcher and Max Potion got theirs in DEX and PLF; and the staple supporters Professor Juniper and N were spared too. The main exceptions were Eelektrik NVI and Crushing Hammer EPO. Virizion-EX/Genesect-EX PLB was the…
Dear Deck Diary, the State of Expanded, Fates Collide Faves, and Meta-Meta Musings “Pennsylvania Regionals: Vespiquen/Raichu (1-1-3, drop) League Challenge (Expanded): Vespiquen/Flareon (2nd) City Championship (Expanded): Seismitoad/Crobat (2nd) City Championship (Expanded): Seismitoad/Crobat (Top 4) City Championship (Standard): Yveltal/Zoroark/Gallade (Top 8) City Championship (Standard): Mega Rayquaza (Top 4) City Championship (Standard): Mega Mewtwo/Zoroark (2nd) City Championship (Standard): Gallade/Octillery (Top 8) Virginia Regionals: Seismitoad/Crobat (Top 16) Pennsylvania States: Greninja (Top 8) New York States: Greninja (Top 8) League Challenge (Expanded): Seismitoad/Crobat (1st) As you can see, I’ve had a pretty consistent season after my debacle at PA Regionals. You’ll notice my variety of decks, but you will also notice a bit more stability: Seismitoad/Crobat quickly…
It uses the horns on its head to sense the emotions of others. Males will act as valets for those they serve, looking after their every need. (Indeedee)