8 results for: Yveltal
Alolan Exeggutor, Yveltal BREAK, and Lucario-GX/Omastar on Display for Daytona “The above list was piloted to a 28th place finish at the Toronto Regional Championships by my good pal Franklin Percic. When I first read that Alolan Exeggutor months back, I immediately thought it had potential in Expanded, and was beyond hyped to see Frank find success with the deck. The goal of the deck is to get three of your Exeggcute PLF into the discard pile with one Alolan Exeggutor in play and a Double Dragon Energy attached. Pulling the Exeggcutes into your hand with their Propagation Abilities allows you to then discard all three for a whopping 180…
T64 Toronto Report, PikaRom’s Revenge, and Contemplating Yveltal BREAK for Greensboro “Toronto went decently well for me, netting me another 50 Championship Points with a 48th place finish. I played an adaption of Pablo’s Buzzwole/Jirachi/Garbodor list that he wrote about in his last article. Based on the most popular decks (Pikarom, Archie, ZoroGarb, and Lucario), I should have had a free walk into Day 2 at least. However, TOM (Tournament Operating Manager) had other plans for me. Instead of the heavy counts of meta decks I hoped to play against, I managed to hit a whopping two total. R1: BuzzGarbShrine WW (1-0-0) R2: Mimigar/Omastar LWT (1-0-1) R3: Zorogarb WLT (1-0-2) R4: Fighting…
Alex’s Worlds 2016 Tournament Report, Meta Trends, and Top 4 Round-Up “This year was one of the worst years for me as far as my testing regimen leading up to the World Championships. Between my move, starting a new job, and buying a car, I was incredibly busy for the months of July and August. When I did find time to test, Ninja Boy was not working on PTCGO so I wasn’t able to try out some of the crazy ideas I had like my Vileplume Toolbox. I also couldn’t properly test Waterbox, as I believed that Ninja Boy was going to revolutionize the deck by giving you late-game options to…
Improving Meta Decks to Create the Three Best Decks in the Format “Shuffling is a funny thing. There are so many ways to shuffle your deck efficiently, and it seems like every player you encounter shuffles in their own way. Shuffling is something that occurs many, many times in one game, yet it is something that isn’t talked about often. I don’t think shuffling is a big deal, and I don’t care how my opponents shuffle as long as I can see that their cards are moving around so that they do not have any idea where a given card may be. As for me, I don’t have a stylish shuffle. I…
VA States Top 8 Report, My Top 3 Picks for Spring Regionals, and Favorites from Roaring Skies “State Championships are always somewhat of a struggle for me. They take place during a busy time of the school year, and with only one week between each event, there is little time to test. This generally makes for situations where deck choices are made mostly on theory … which don’t always work out. Virginia States took place on the fourth weekend of the States cycle this year. Leading into the event, I wasn’t too sure what the best play would be. In Maryland the week prior, I played a Donphan deck to a disappointing 4-2-1 finish. Both of my losses…
It attacks with rapid beats of its stick. As it strikes with amazing speed, it gets more and more pumped. (Grookey)
Eleventh-Hour Forging, Missed Opportunity, and the Trail Blazed to DC “The weeks leading up to US Nationals were filled with numerous hours of playtesting, both online and in real life. I had either tested or tested against nearly every deck in the format. My teammate Chris Murray even made a Pyroar/Ninetales deck, which we considered a potential deck choice for quite a while, but eventually dismissed due to consistency issues and some sketchy matchups. The problem my friends and I were finding during all this testing was that we didn’t actually like any deck in the format. I had a gut feeling that I would lean back into my comfort…
The Uncertainty of the Post-Flashfire Metagame and a Look Back at Plox and Sablelock “But first, I want to give you guys a look at something else I have been working on. Players love taking a break from the current format. Outside of tournament games, some of my favorite things to do include: playing The Resistance (a great strategic role-playing game, similar to internet Mafia or Werewolf), throwing a Frisbee around outside the venue, and playing games of Pokemon with out-of-format decks. Constructing and playing decks of old is a craze that is becoming increasingly more popular as more resources to build those decks are resurfacing in the community. Being able to relive old…
2014 Brazilian Nationals 1st Place Masters Report “This year Nationals happened on May 3rd and 4th, with more than 200 players. My choice of deck was very difficult this year. I played the beginning of this season with VirGen/Munna BCR/Musharna NXD and got a 2nd place in Brasília’s Regional. I played in two Cities with Ho-Oh-EX/Garbodor LTR/Techs and got a 2nd place in Brasilia as well. I played April Regionals near my town with Darkrai-EX/Yveltal-EX/Absol PLF in Brasilia where I had a 2nd place (AGAIN) and in Goiânia with Darkrai-EX/Yveltal-EX/Garbodor LTR where I got 7th place. I was calm about my CPs as I totaled them high…
They came over from another region long ago and worked together with humans. Their green skin is resistant to water. (Copperajah)