25 results for: Zacian

You Don’t Have to Win in Five Turns!

A Crash Course on the Slow and Sturdy Deck of the Format, Lucario & Melmetal-GX/Zacian V

Make Way

Charizard VMAX/Volcarona-GX and ADPZ for the Post-Rotation Format (TEU–DAA)

Infinity Times Two

Straight Zacian (My Winningest Deck of UPR–RCL) and Eternatus VMAX (Pre- and Post-Rotation)

Steady at the Ready

ADPZ onto Week 2 of the Players Cup, Why I Switched Decks, On the Seeding + No Shows, and ¿Hablas Español?

Temple of the Dog

My Top 5 Decks for Week 1 of Players Cup Bracket Play (Including: Spiritomb, Baby Blowns, PikaRom, Dragapult, and Zacian Combo)
It kicks berries right off the branches of trees and then juggles them with its feet, practicing its footwork. (Raboot)

London Calling

Thoughts on Worlds 2021 News, 4th Place Magcargo Mill @ Unofficial Japan Nationals, and 1st Place ADPZ @ Special League Ginza

A Summer Cookout

Fire Box Box and Zacian V/Lucario & Melmetal-GX, A More Well-Known Pair of Decks, Updated, to Compete with Tier 1

Did Somebody Say Cradily?

Players Cup Positivity and a Cluster of Cool Concepts, Including Zacian/Galarian Perrserker, Cryogonal/Absol, Cryogonal/Cradily, Archeops, and Meganium Box

Dragapult to e4

Analyzing the Results of the Players Cup Kickoff Invitational and Limitless Invitational

Another Brick in the Full Metal Wall

Zacian/LucaMetal, Learning Lines of Play, the Players Cup, Growing as a Player, and on Using Articles
It secretly marks potential targets with a scent. By following the scent, it stalks its targets and steals from them when they least expect it. (Thievul)

Tombstone Piledriver

Highlighting Three of the Top Performing Decks from Limitless Q4, Including Zacian V/Combo, ADP/Spiritomb, and Spiritomb/Ultra Beasts

Eyes Wide Shut

Analyzing the Limitless Q3 Meta and Exploring New Ideas for Q4 (Zacian V/Galarian Perrserker + Torkoal V/Magcargo-GX)

Leaping Lizards

ADPZ @ Guatemala, Takuya’s Dragapult VMAX, and My Rebel Clash Top 5

The Electric Sheep Test

Dethroning ADP/Z, Turbo ADP/Z, Sleep Mill (Best Mill), and, Yep!, Shock Lock

What a Tool

Where We Left Off, Decks I’m Worried About for Toronto, and Tanky/Tooly ADP, My Fav Play for this Weekend
It forms coal inside its body. Coal dropped by this Pokémon once helped fuel the lives of people in the Galar region. (Carkol)