10 results for: ZoroRoc

Two and a Few

Pre-NAIC Tournament Results, What They Mean, PikaRom vs. ReshiZard, and Words on a Bunch of High-Placing Lists

Trading in Woops

A Journey with QuagNag through São Paulo, and Why Zoroark-GX is Now My Main Until the End of the Season

Welcome to the Party, ‘Zard

Santa Clara Regionals Wrap-Up, Featuring: A Zoroark-Less Top 8, an Analysis of Kian’s 1st-Place ReshiZard, and Other Important Takeaways

Rocky Mountain, Hi

How to Approach a “Solved” Format and Kenny’s Play for Denver (Zoroark/Lycanroc/Lucario)

Solidified Standard

A Look at the Established Contenders (Lightning Toolbox, Zapdos/Ultra Beasts, Blacephalon, Zororoc, and Ultra Necrozma/Malamar) for Denver Regionals
It carries electrically roasted seeds with it as if they’re precious treasures. No matter how much it eats, it always gets hungry again in short order. (Morpeko)

Spice Jr.’s List Parade

Tiers 1 thru 3, Melmetal/Magnezone, Passimian/Zapdos, Spread, Zororoc Deconstructed, Walls, Lightning Box, and Traditional Zororoc

Tag Teams, Dogs, and Beasts

The Collinsville Meta, the Future of Standard, Variance Got Me, and What’s “the Play” Now?

More Than Hot Air

Synthesizing Collinsville’s Results at the Dusk of SUM–TEU Standard (and an Electrical Stab at Expanded)

Breaking the Triangle

The Oceania Meta, Post-Oceania Zoroark, Ultra Necrozma / Malamar (Updated), and What We Have Left

High Voltage Down Under

Oceania IC Results Discussion, Breakout Cards, and the Four Major Decks Heading into Collinsville
As it digs, it swallows sand and stores it in its neck pouch. The pouch can hold more than 17 pounds of sand. (Silicobra)